On Sunday night the school rock band ‘Banned’ took part in the Manchester GM Hub ‘Battle of the Bands’ final. They gained their place in the final by winning the Bolton and Blackburn/Darwin heats last month. There were ten finalists from all over the different boroughs of Manchester e.g. Tameside, Rochdale, etc.
Each band was given an allotted time of 15 minutes on stage (which included performance and set up time). Originally, they had prepared the two songs that they performed in the first round, however after watching the other bands they decided to spontaneously throw in another song on the night, just before they went on stage. The high quality of their music performance was evident as they put on the show of their lives. The band brought the Manchester Academy 2 to life as soon as Laura Melbourne shouted ‘Hellooo Manchester, let’s make some NOISE!!!’. All three songs were performed faultlessly with each student having their moment to shine.
Come results time they had some amazing feedback with them just missing out on being crowned winners as the judges favoured a band called ‘The Guest List’.
It was a unforgettable experience for each of them, with the opportunity to perform at Manchester Academy 2 and work with professional level sound and lighting personnel.
As a school we are incredibly proud of ‘Banned’ and everything they have achieved over the last 18 months, we can’t wait to see where they will be performing next!