Our School

Our School Day 2024/25

Our increase in Pupil Admission Numbers in our new September 2024 Year 7 cohort to 240 students in that year means that for the first 4 weeks of new academic year Year 7s will have their breaks and lunches on their own. They will also have 10 additional minutes added to their lunch time to 40mins.

Once our new Year 7 students have settled in, they will revert to normal timings and have their break and lunchtimes with our Year 11s.

Year 9 and 11

8am – 8.30am: Morning breakfast available from the dining room

8.30am: Line-Up

8.30am – 9.10am: PREP Time

9.10am – 10.40am: Session 1

10.40am – 11.00am: Break Time

11.00am – 12.30pm: Session 2

12.20pm – 1.00pm: Lunch

1.00pm – 2.30pm: Session 3

2.30pm – 3.00pm: PREP Time



Year 7

8am – 8.30am: Morning breakfast available from the dining room

8.30am: Line-Up

8.30am – 9.10am: PREP Time

9.10am – 10.45am: Session 1

10.45am – 11.05am: Session 2a

11.05am – 11.20am: Break Time

11.20am – 12.35pm: Session 2b

12.35pm – 1.00pm: Session 3a

1.00pm – 1.30pm: Lunch

1.30pm – 2.30pm: Session 3b

2.30pm – 3.00pm: PREP Time


Year 8 and 10

8am – 8.30am: Morning breakfast available from the dining room

8.30am: Line-Up

8.30am – 9.10am: PREP Time

9.10am – 10.45am: Session 1

10.45am – 11.25am: Session 2a

11.25am – 11.40am: Break Time

11.40am – 12.35pm: Session 2b

12.35pm – 1.35pm: Session 3a

1.35pm – 2.05pm: Lunch

2.05pm – 2.30pm: Session 3b

2.30pm – 3.00pm: PREP Time

The start time for all students from September 2043 will be 8.30am. The finish time for all students from September 2024 will be 3.00pm everyday.

This is in response to the government’s statutory guidance that all students must be in school for a minimum of 32.5hours per week. We have tried to use the time intelligently to give our students the best opportunities.

We have dedicated time for reading every morning in AM PREP time and afternoon in PM PREP where students follow our guided reading programme, follow our Personal Development curriculum and help retain knowledge they have learnt in their Need-to-Know books. Key messages about our values will also be delivered via Year group assemblies at this time. 

Students then access three ninety minute academic sessions through the day.  This gives them access to a broad and balanced curriculum.

Our new Year 7 will be having their breaks and lunchtimes on their own this year whilst building expansion work takes place due to the increased PAN (pupil admission numbers) to 240 students in the year group.

Students will still have the opportunity to take part in Enrichment activities but these activities will be voluntary and will run from Monday to Friday across each week.