The overarching aim of our expectations are to promote positive behaviour where students demonstrate kindness, they take responsibility for their actions and they work hard to manage and improve their behaviour at all times.  This is values driven.

We believe that PRAISE and positive behaviour management strategies are the most powerful way of developing a happy and purposeful school.  We believe in mutual respect and unconditional positive regard for young people.  We believe restorative approaches which develop strong relationships between adults and students are the best way to help students correct their behaviours.  We believe in the certainty of any sanction rather than severity.  We understand that there is always a root cause to a student’s behaviour and we strongly believe that sanctions alone will not help students repair their behaviour.  We teach our students how to behave so they learn to be self-disciplined and make good choices.  We have firmly embedded routines and practices to establish a calm and purposeful environment.  A clear framework of ‘habits’ help support all our children to reach our high expectations. 

We want all of our students, during their time with us, to reach the top of the pyramid, meaning that they leave us as good citizens, and this is the rationale for our approach. We want our students to do this not only because they have to, but because they want to, and are mature enough to know how to do the right thing.

The pyramid below shows the reasons why students might behave well. We want all of our students to aim for the top of the pyramid.

I behave well because…


The Perfect Climate

This is designed for classrooms where learning is taking place.  If students follow the perfect climate it helps themselves and others achieve things they never thought they could.

The Perfect Climate MUST be adhered to in all sessions to ensure that teachers can teach, students can learn, and so that low-level disruption and poor behaviour do not get in the way of students making as much progress as possible in their learning. In every activity that takes place in a classroom or learning space, teachers must always explain whether Perfect Climate 1, Perfect Climate 2, or Perfect Climate 3 will apply for the activity that the students are about to take part in.

  • Perfect Climate 1 = Silent and focussed work – this means students cannot speak to each other.  It is used so students can concentrate in an environment that will help them produce the best piece of work they can independently of others.
  • Perfect Climate 2 = Groups or Pairs – students will have opportunities to talk to each other, to explore and discover and problem solve.  While they do this, they must stay focussed on the task and conversations must always be about the task/learning.
  • Perfect Climate 3 = One Voice Everyone Listens – this ensures that whether it is the teacher that is talking or a student that is demonstrating, explaining or asking a question everyone is listening.

Corridor Climate

This is designed for ‘out of classroom behaviour’ when students move around the building.  In order that all our students help themselves and others achieve things they never thought they could we ask that when students move through the building they are QUIET and SENSIBLE.  This is so students do not disturb the learning of other students and so everyone is safe.

Quiet does not mean silent.  It means that conversations and the volume of those conversations never disturb the learning of any other students.

Sensible means non-contact, no running and behaviour that respects the safety of all other students.

Track the Teacher

When a teacher is talking or giving important instructions in a classroom or outside a classroom we expect students to track the teacher with their eyes and listen to what is being said.  We know this will help students understand what the teacher is saying and will also help the teacher understand if they need to adapt their language and approach in order that the student understands what is being said.  This habit will also apply when other students are giving explanations or answering questions in a classroom.

Student Attention

At any time in the school building if an adult raises their hand and counts down 3…2…1 students must:

  • Stop what they are doing
  • Be silent by 1

This ensures we can transition swiftly and effectively from one activity to the next in our classrooms.  It is a safe and effective way to quickly get students’ attention so they are ready to learn and listen to key and important messages whether that is within the classroom or outside the classroom.

Reasonable Requests

Many times in the day staff will ask students to follow a reasonable request in line with the values, policies and practices of the school.  These are reminders or chances for students to correct things as they move around the school.

Examples of reasonable requests:

  • Bella, could you tuck your shirt in for me… thank you
  • John, could you pick up that litter you have accidentally dropped on the floor and put it in the bin… thank you
  • Stacey, you don’t seem to wearing a tie… could you go to the dining room and pick up a tie ready for your next session.

We expect students to follow a reasonable request the first time… Before issuing any corrections staff will remind students they have made a reasonable request… ‘I hope you’re not refusing a reasonable request Isabelle, show me what I know you’re capable of, thank you’

Uniform and Equipment

We have a strict uniform policy.  This is to ensure students are preparing themselves for the world of work and life beyond their five years at Little Lever.  In many jobs students will have to wear a uniform or specialist equipment.  We want to teach our students the value of this.  We also want to ensure every student feels part of the Little Lever team.  When students wear our blazer they take on the responsibility to leave the blazer in a better place.  This means they represent our community when they wear our blazer and they must represent our community in the right way.



How worn

Equipment, Pencil Case, Mini Whiteboard, School Bag, Books

The following equipment is provided by the school:
· A3 size Year Group coloured coded wallet in which all equipment is stored.
· A pencil case including pen, purple pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, bookmark.
· Their Need-To-Know book.
· Timetable.
· Students must be in possession of their school-issued mini whiteboard and mini-whiteboard pen.
Students must bring their own school bag each day. Bags should not display any inappropriate logos.


To be worn at all times unless permission is given to remove it.
Sleeves are to be rolled down.
School-issued reward badges can be worn on lapels. No personal badges are allowed to be worn on blazers.


Trousers must be black formal style tailored trousers.
Denim, canvas or chino-style trousers or leggings / ‘jeggings’ are not permitted.


White formal shirt. Top button always fastened and the shirt tucked in.


Navy blue pleated skirt is the only style of skirt that may be worn.
Skirts must not be rolled up. Bobbles and belts are not permitted to be worn to adapt skirts.


The correct coloured Year Group tie must be worn. The same colour of tie stays with the student throughout their five years at Little Lever School.
Academic Year 2024/25: Year 7 blue stripe, Year 8 white stripe, Year 9 yellow stripe, Year 10 green stripe, Year 11 red stripe.
Ties must be worn at an appropriate length to the waist, displaying a minimum of six stripes below the knot.

School Jumper (optional)

The navy-blue V-neck jumper with the school logo can be worn under the blazer as an additional layer.
Alternatively, a plain navy-blue V-neck jumper with no slogans or badges.
They are not to be worn as a replacement to the blazer.

Plain Blackor Navy Blue Socks

Plain Black or Navy Blue Tights

Socks must be plain and not have any logos or additions such as bows, ribbons or frills.

Tights are to be opaque. If students arrive with tights that are laddered or ripped, they must make their way straight to the uniform shop on arrival to school to replace them.

Black Leather Shoes

Traditional, well-constructed, weather-proof, polishable leather or leather-look shoes with a low heel, with no sport logos. Shoes constructed with canvas, suede or fabric materials are not allowed.
Ankle high boots are not allowed.
Trainers – black or otherwise are not permitted.

Hair and Headwear

Extreme fashion hairstyles (e.g. decorative shaved elements or motifs) and extreme hair colours are not permitted (e.g. hair must be of a natural colour).
If longer than shoulder length, hair must be tied back in situations where it could cause a danger to the individual or others, such as in PE and other practical lessons.
Headwear for tying back hair must be plain and in keeping with the school uniform – ribbons, bows, headbands.
Hats of any kind are not part of our school uniform.

False Nails / False Eyelashes

False nails or nail extensions of any description represent a health and safety risk and may not be worn.
Nail varnish must not be worn.
False eyelashes are not permitted.


Any make-up worn by students should be natural and discreet.


Students are permitted to wear a wristwatch.
For a trial period of Autumn Term 2024 one small plain gold or silver coloured stud earring can be worn in each ear. Please note all earrings must be removed for PE lessons, plasters or see-through replacements earrings are not allowed to be worn for health and safety reasons.
No other items of jewellery, including bracelets, rings, necklaces or facial / tongue piercings, etc. are permitted under any circumstances.

Coats, Hats, Scarves, Gloves

Weatherproof outdoor coats are only to be worn outside and not when inside the school building.
Coats should be worn over blazers outside the school building. Coats should never be worn instead of blazers.
Coats should not display any inappropriate logos.
In cold or wet weather appropriate hats, scarves and gloves may be worn to and from school, but not inside the school building.
Coats and hoodies must not be worn under school blazers at any time.

Mobile Phones

Mobile Phones are not allowed in school.
If a student does bring a phone to school, it must be switched off and placed in the bag before crossing the blue line in the morning.
At the end of the school day students must wait to leave the school premises at the blue line before accessing their phone.
If a student’s phone is seen on their person at any point during the school day, the phone will be confiscated, and a 30-minute lunchtime correction will be issued for the following day.

Lost Property

The school cannot accept any responsibility for loss of property.
Parents/carers must ensure all items of clothing are clearly marked with their child’s name and check regularly that the name is still visible.

Confiscated Property

The school cannot take any responsibility for the loss of any property which is confiscated, for example a bracelet being worn by a student or a mobile which a student has been seen using.


PE Uniform

There are a range of PE uniform items which you can purchase from our uniform stockists. The essential PE uniform required for all students are as follows.

PE Uniform All polo tops must be purchased from school kit providers and must have the Little Lever School logo on it.
Compulsory items Optional items
Teal and navy polo with logo. Teal and navy hoodie with school logo. Non branded plain navy hoodie/jumper.
Navy shorts, skort or leggings with school logo. Tracksuit pants with school logo. Non branded plain navy tracksuit pants.
Navy socks with teal turnover with logo or white/black sports socks. Team players must have navy socks with teal turnover for use in school matches. Base layers for winter use.
Bobble for long hair. Navy rain/shower jacket with no branding.
Clean trainers with non-marking soles for indoor use. Plain navy unbranded shorts.
Moulded football boots/blades or suitable outdoor trainers for use on 3g pitch.

No metal studs.

Mobile Phones

Little Lever School is a Phone-Free School for students. Research confirms that mobile phones cause too many distractions to learning and can also cause significant mental health issues for students. Students must not, therefore, have a mobile phone on their person at any time of the school day, when on the premises.

As parents may want students to have a mobile phone for safety reasons, if students do bring it to school, it must remain switched off and in their bag until the end of the day.

On Time (Punctual)

Students are expected to be on time to school every day and on time to every session. School starts at 8.30am everyday.

Classroom Consequences

  • Why do we do this?

    Quite simply, we believe that all students have the right to learn in a disruption free environment. Our student voice also identifies that their learning in classrooms is very important to our students and that disruptions cause their learning to be negatively impacted. Our Learning Habits allow EVERY student to effectively learn and participate in lessons equitably. Our learning habits are:

    • We follow Perfect Climate in our classrooms
    • We Track the Teacher with our eyes and listen when they speak
    • When an adult raises their hand and counts down 3…2…1 we are silent on 1
    • We always follow a reasonable request first time
    • We do not answer back.
  • What happens if students choose not to follow the Perfect Climate or breaks our Learning Habits?

    We understand that sometimes students make poor choices, so every student is given a chance and a choice before a student is removed from the classroom should they break our learning habits. The way we deliver these messages to students is important… the aim is to terminate the behaviour and return to learning, both for that student and their class, as efficiently as possible.

    If a student has made the choice not to follow the Perfect Climate or breaks one of our learning habits they will be given a Chance.  This is a warning to remind them that their behaviour has disturbed the learning of others and themselves.  The student now has a chance to change their behaviour in order that they and the rest of the class can learn effectively.

    If a student again makes the choice not to follow the Perfect Climate or breaks one of our learning habits they will be given a final choice.  This is a final reminder that their choices are affecting the learning of others and themselves and if they continue to do this they will be removed from the session.  We will ‘front load’ the choice for students in our language and our actions

  • What if a student continues to not follow the Perfect Climate or break our Learning Habits?

    If after two opportunities to change their behaviour the student continues to make the choice to not follow the Perfect Climate or break our Learning Habits, they will then be sent to Reflection via our Triage Room.

    It is the student’s responsibility to go to make their way to the Triage Room and they must arrive within four minutes. Failure to do so may result in suspension.

  • What is the Triage Room?

    The Triage Room is led by a senior member of staff and is the destination for students who have been removed from lesson. The senior member of staff will work with the student on arrival to help the student understand the impact that their choices have had on their own learning as well as others. The senior member of staff will notify parents/carers that their child has been removed from class and has entered Reflection and provide a brief overview of the reason why.

    Following this discussion, when the student is prepared and ready to enter, the student will be placed in Reflection.

    The member of staff removing the student from their lesson will contact the parent/carer to provide a more detailed account of why the student had to be removed from their lesson.

  • How long does a student spend in Reflection as a consequence?

    Students will complete three full sessions, am Prep time, pm form time and 30 minutes after school in Reflection before they return to lessons.

    Reflection is a classroom where students continue their learning in an environment supported by multiple members of staff and our Perfect Climate expectations.

    During their time in Reflection, a restorative conversation will also take place between the student and the member of staff who issued the classroom correction.

Social Time and Corridor Consequences

  • Why do we do this?

    Behaviour out of lessons must match the high expectations we have within lessons. We are focusing on building a positive community both inside and outside of lessons. To ensure safety, wellbeing and smooth management of our school, it is essential that students conduct themselves and demonstrate our core values of being kind, working hard and taking responsibility throughout the entire school day.

  • What happens if students choose not to follow the Corridor Climate?

    When students move independently to their sessions staff will ‘Meet and Greet’ students on the doors to their classrooms.  They will remind students as they walk by to be quiet and sensible as they move to their next session.

    If students choose to ignore these reminders and shout loudly down the corridor or are not sensible as they move down the corridor then they will be asked to stop.  A member of staff will ask for the student’s name and will issue the student with a 25 minute lunchtime Correction.

    It will again be the student’s responsibility to check the Correction list and turn up to their Correction.

    Once a Correction has been issued and the Correction is complete we make a ‘fresh start’ once more.

    Again, EVERY student has the chance and the choice to change their behaviour before a Correction is issued.

  • What happens if students arrive late to school?

    If students arrive after 8.30am and do not line-up with their Year Group with their Year Leader, they will be issued with a lunchtime correction on the same day. 

    We will take into account mitigating circumstances for students and we will be understanding around circumstances that are out of the students’ control.

    If students fail to take responsibility for their actions and choose not to turn up to their lunchtime correction they will be placed in the Reflection Room till 3.30pm.

    Please note if a student arrives to school after 9.00am they will be issued with the same lucnhtime correction and this will go down as an unauthorised absence for that morning and reported to the local authority.

  • Behaviour Outside the School Gates

    Where behaviour occurs which is not safe or kind when a student is outside of the school, an appropriate Correction / sanction will be given in line with the ‘In school purpose, values and habits’. This is particularly in relation to violent conduct e.g. a physical assault or bullying incidents. Students are encouraged to wear their school uniform correctly when travelling to and from the school and must not be involved in behaviour that could adversely affect the reputation of the school.

    The expectations of students behaving in line with our purpose values and habits apply to school trips and visits and the same Corrections / sanctions will be used if necessary.