You will be aware that in March 2022 the school was inspected by OfSTED.
I am delighted to announce that not only is Little Lever one of the most improved schools in the country it is now officially judged ‘Good’ in every category by OfSTED.
The report is extremely positive and is a testament to the hard work and dedication of your children, our students. They are working incredibly hard and despite the challenges that our students have faced over the last two years they have shown remarkable resilience and determination to succeed! We see this each and every day and it was pleasing that the inspection team shared our views and were incredibly impressed by the hard work, dedication and resilience of our students. We are very proud of them!!
I also wanted to thank you. As parents and carers, you have a vital and important role in shaping your child’s future. The moments where you celebrate success with your children, the moments you encourage and motivate your children, the moments you give them guidance and advice in difficult times all help to ensure your children go on to achieve things they never thought they could. We are extremely grateful for the support you provide for your children and the school. We have welcomed your positive comments of support, but we have also valued the challenge you provide to keep improving the quality of education for your children.
We will always go above and beyond for your children. Our staff are driven by our core purpose and work relentlessly to ensure your children receive the very best. Our staff are determined to be the best teachers they can be and are very skilful in delivering sessions that help plug the essential knowledge students need to be successful.
We will continue to work positively with you to keep our school moving forward. We are transforming lives and everyone in the Little Lever community should feel proud of the work you have done and feel proud of this school. Our children are achieving record breaking GCSE outcomes and we are providing a curriculum that is ambitious for all and helping students achieve things they never thought they could!
Our purpose of ‘helping students achieve things they never thought they could’ will never stop and we look forward to continuing to enhance the experiences your children receive at Little Lever. Little Lever is becoming recognised locally, regionally, and nationally and we look forward to the exciting times ahead as we continue to enhance the life chances of the students in our care.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Mckeon
The OfSTED report is available to read in full by clicking on the tab below.
In addition, a link to the Ofsted report on their main website can accessed here Ofsted | Little Lever School