Year 11 Steps to Success 2023/24

Our Year 11 Steps-to-Success programme supports students in becoming effective and successful students and leave school with the best possible outcomes, skills, knowledge and confidence to move onto the next stage of their learning journey.

We want to provide you with clarity and guidance on how Little Lever School is supporting students in their final year in school in readiness for their mock exams and summer GCSE exams.

The content below will be updated on a regular basis as to what is happening in school each week. You will be informed as to when new content is added by our usual communication channels.

  • English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Spanish & Computer Science Boost

    Students receive an additional three 95-minute lessons of English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Spanish & Computer Science each week based on the which subject they need more time and support in. These are reviewed on a regular basis in RAG Meetings by the Leaders of these subjects, Pastoral staff and Senior Leaders. Students can move Boost classes if we feel they have made good progress and need further support in another subject.

    For example, a student may be in English Boost and have three lessons of that each week. At a RAG meeting, if feedback and data is showing improvements in English but may need support in Science, their Boost lessons will switch the next day to Science and a new timetable will be issued to the student that morning.

    Parents/carers can view on their SIM Parent app which Boost class their child currently attends.

  • English, Maths and Science Subject Forms

    Students are also placed in morning form classes which are led by English, Maths and Science Form Tutors. Year 11 start school early at 8.30am and have a 45-minute PREP time to study our Life Chances curriculum and also receive additional teaching time and learning in the Core Subjects. Subject Forms are also reviewed in the English, Maths and Science RAG meeting and students can move forms after a certain time, so they receive additional time with an English, Maths and Science teacher each morning.

  • Session 4s - Spring and Summer Term

    Starting week commencing 26th February, all Year 11 students will have an extended school day on Wednesdays and Thursdays each week, starting at 3pm to 4pm on Wednesdays and 2.35pm – 3.30pm on Thursdays.

    These are compulsory attendance and are a part of their timetabled day.

    Students will be allocated a Session 4 subject where they need additional help and support from their subject teacher expert. This is based on a range of evidence, from mock results, in-class assessments and work hard scores. The student’s progress will be reveiwed on a regular basis by our Subject Leaders and Senior Leadership Team. Session 4s includes their core and option subjects.

  • Pre-Exam Classes, CAMPs, All-Inclusives, Walking Talking Mocks Calendar

    In the Spring term, subject teams will be offering additional intervention classes to support students on specific topics or areas which require greater depth and time.

    Pre-Exam Classes

    These run before a mock exam (8am for morning exams) and go through the essential exam techniques needed to be successful. These are not a replacement for last minute revision (see our Spaced Learning section below).


    These run for 2 hours after school and are used to dive further into topics and knowledge with all students taking that subject. They are held in our large study spaces and drink and food is provided for free.

    Walking Talking Mocks

    These sessions take place in an exam room with exam desks and a past paper. Teacher walk them through the paper provided key advice and tips on how to maximise marks for each question. The fact that this is done in the exam rooms allows students to visualise their exam and remember the guidance they have been taught.

  • Revision Room

    On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays every week there is a dedicated study space in the library called the Revision Room for Year 11 students to deliberately practice exam past papers from a full range of subjects and courses or complete one of their two 45-minute revision session which they have written in their Revision Planner.

    Students are be able to pick up a printed past paper and complete it in Perfect Climate 1 under the supervision of Senior Leadership Team staff members. Mark sheets are available for students to check their answers or their papers will be sent to the relevant subject leads to check.


GCSE Exams Summer 2024 - Full Timetable of all Exams Scheduled by the Exam Boards

GCSE Exams Summer 2024

  • Free breakfast for any Year 11 during the Mock Exams and Summer GCSE Exams

    To ensure students are properly fueled to perform at their best during their mock exams, we are offering every student a free breakfast from the dining room from 8am – 8.30am. A range of cereals, juices, fruit and toasted items are available for any Year 11 on the morning of an exam.

    In addition, free tea/coffee and biscuit are available every breaktime during exam seasons.


  • Year 11 Parents' Evening: Wednesday 27th March: Getting Ready for GCSE Summer Exams

    On the new date of Wednesday 27th March we will be hosting an in-school Year 11 Parents’ Evening for all parents/carers of Year 11 students. You will have the opportunity to speak face-to-face with your child’s subject teachers about your child’s current GCSE performance based on their recent Mock Exam 2 results and in-class assessments and what key areas they need to focus their studies on in the run up to their GCSE Summer Exams

    You will be provided with a wealth of materials, resources and support to help support your child’s revision and preparation for the GCSE Summer exams. This will include;

    • a copy of your child’s Revision Planner which they will be completing earlier in the week in school;
    • a subject specific CGA (curriculum gap analysis) sheet for every subject your child studies, with personalised topics identfied which your child must focus their revision around;
    • and a home study equipment pack containing pens, highlighters, flash cards and post-it notes.

    We will also be providing families the opportunity to grab some hot food on the evening, with Carrs pasties and hot drinks with biscuits available.

    We realise that Year 11 students will be finishing their Session 4s at 4pm and then returning home only to come back to school straight away. Therefore, we will be opening up our dining room and library for students to remain in school until your arrival. Again, hot food will be available to them if they wish to stay and have their tea. The library will be open for them to continue to study if they so wish.

  • Rewards and Incentives

    In the Spring Term, students who receive 100 or more net reward points totals will receive a third off the price of the summer Prom ticket.

    • Everyone will be invited (as long as there are no serious misconduct issues)
    • Tickets are £52 – meal, DJ, photo booth
    • You can work towards a free ticket by accumulating reward points each term.
    • 100 points = £10 off your ticket price
    • 200 points = £20 off your ticket price
    • 300 points = £30 off your ticket price
    • 400+ points = FREE TICKET!
  • Information for Year 11s about Coursework Assessments and Non-examination Assessments (NEAs)

    JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) have advised all schools in the country to share with students, parents and carers their information and guidance (which is aimed specifically at students) when completing and submitting coursework which goes towards their final GCSE grade. This can consist of two aspects: Coursework Assessments such as a Sports Studies module or Non-Examination Assessments (NEAs) such as the Art & Design 10-hour practical exam.

    It is vital that students are fully aware of the importance that the work they submit must be their own or risk being awarded zero marks or disqualification. Many of our Year 11 students are in the middle of coursework completion at this time.

    Please use the link below to view their information on both Courswork Assessments and NEAs.

    Information for Year 11s about Coursework Assessments and Non-examination Assessments (NEAs) – Little Lever School (


Download a copy of our Revision Planner here


Little Lever Revision Cycle

Our Revision Cycle is a proven structue on how students revise effectively. This sits at the heart of preparing students for their February Mocks. Please view the illustration to find out more.

Revision Planners

Please watch the video below on how to help your child plan out their daily revision and home study and check which subjects and topics they are revising.

Please note that families must make this work for you. Whilst we recommend two 45-minute revision session each day, please work these around your own calenders and commitments.


How to create revision Flashcards

In the run up to your child’s Summer GCSE Exam series, it’s important that not only their academic needs are being supported, but also their health and well-being.
We know that young people often regard good, long regular sleep and eating properly as a secondary consideration to wanting to socialise and interact with their friends or spend time online. Teenagers can get into bad habits with regards to being online too long, not eating nutritious meals regularly and not finding the right balance between sleep and work.
The next two weeks, leading up to their first exam and the five weeks which their exams cover, should be a time where they are looking after themselves a lot more to remain focused, refreshed and alert through what is a challenging and exhausting time.
Therefore, we have put together this guide, based on sound scientific research, to help you and your child navigate their way through the next few weeks and perform at their best, every day.
There are 3 main areas which everyone can reflect on and make positive changes to their habits; SLEEP, SCREEN TIME and STUDY FUEL.



How to revise effectively to know and remember more

To go alongside our Revision Cycle, we are delivering sessions in PREP time to all Year 11 students teaching them about the six best habits to use in becoming highly successful learners.