Our People

Everyone who works at Little Lever is part of a team whose purpose is to ‘help every person achieve things they never thought they could’. Everyone has their part to play and every part is important and valued. We recognise that people make the biggest difference to helping us achieve our core purpose!

Work With Us

I am delighted that you are interested in joining the team at Little Lever.

Everything we do at Little Lever operates around our core purpose; ‘To help every person achieve things they never thought they could’

We are very proud to be one of the most improved schools in the country and we feel this is merely the start of more great things to come.  In March of 2022 we received a full Section 5 Ofsted inspection. The school was judged ‘GOOD’ in all areas…Ofsted Report 2022 – Little Lever School (little-lever.bolton.sch.uk)

We have great facilities and always want to be at the ‘cutting edge’ of education so we can give our students a truly world class education.  We have a dedicated, friendly and passionate team who are determined to improve the life chances of every child no matter who they are or where they come from.

We want to recruit staff who are keen to work with us to deliver our core purpose and create a world class school.  Little Lever has a great school community, its vibrant, purposeful, caring and an enjoyable place to learn for students and staff.

Continuous professional development is at the heart of what we do and we invest heavily in the learning and development of all staff to support their career and personal development.  Please visit the ‘Our Teaching’ section of the website for more details on this.

Our Teaching page

If you meet the criteria for the post, I hope you will make an application to join us.

In the meantime if you have any queries or would like to visit the school please contact the school on 01204 333300 or email mke@little-lever.bolton.sch.uk to make an appointment.

Thank you

Mr Mckeon


Teacher of Science (12 Month Maternity Cover)

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Teacher of Geography

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Teacher of Science - Permanent

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Science Technician

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Meet the Team

  • Trustees


    Sally McFarlane:

    I am Chair of the Trust. I attend the Full Trust meeting and chair the Resources Committee. I am Link Trustee for Leadership & Management and SEND. I am a National Leader of Education.

    John Cornally:

    I am Vice Chair of the Trust. I have recently retired form my role as Executive Headteacher at Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College. I have been a headteacher for 20 years. I am a National Leader in Education working with other schools across Greater Manchester.

    Jane Jones:

    I am a parent trustee at Lever Academy Trust. I attend the Full Trust meetings and I sit on the Standards Committee. I am Link Trustee for Quality of Education and Community. In my previous role I was an Assistant Headteacher of a secondary school.


    David Webb:

    I am a parent trustee at Lever Academy Trust.  I attend the Full Trust meetings and I sit on the Resources Committee. I currently work at Manchester Airport as a Business Analyst working with the operations to introduce new technologies and improve business processes.

    Michael Isherwood:

    I am a trustee at Lever Academy Trust. I attend the Full Trust meetings and I sit on the Resources Committee. In my previous role I was Senior Associate in Assurance at Price Waterhouse Cooper.

    Victoria Gavin:

    I am a trustee and Chair of  the Risk and Audit Committee and attend Full Trust meetings. I am also Link Trustee for Wellbeing. I am Business Development Manager at Bolton Impact Trust.

    Rachel Foster:

    I am a trustee and attend the Risk and Audit Committee and Full Trust meetings. I am also Link Trustee for Human Resources. I am Director of HR and Education Strategy at One Education.


    Alyson Middlemass:

    I am a trustee and attend the Risk and Audit Committee and Full Trust meetings. I am also Link Trustee for safeguarding.




    Andrea O’Callaghan

    I am a trustee at Lever Academy Trust. I attend the Full Trust meetings and I sit on the Standards Committee. In my previous role I was Headteacher of a secondary school.

  • Members


    Anthony Connell:

    I am a Member of Lever Academy Trust I attend the Members meetings.

    Edward Mellor:

    I am a Member of Lever Academy Trust and I attend the Members meetings.

    Paul Philbin:

    I am a Member of Lever Academy Trust and I attend the Members meetings.

Meet The Team

  • Senior Leaders

    Principal: Mr D Mckeon

    Associate Principal: Ms L Emmett

    Vice Principal: Mr P Davies

    Associate Vice Principal: Mr S Cordwell

    Assistant Principals: Ms M Moore, Ms G Hutchinson, Ms L Grellier, Mr K Wilson, Mr S Reynolds


    Associate Assistant Principal: Ms S Hargreaves

    Associate Assistant Principal: Mr M Lish (2 days)

    Interim Head of Inclusion (SENCo): Ms G Hutchinson

    Director of SCITT: Mr M Leathert

  • Designated Safeguarding Leads

    Designated Safeguarding Leader: Mr S Reynolds

    Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Ms S Leigh

  • Subject Teams


    Leader of English: Ms J Calvert

    Assistant Leader of English: Ms A Hughes

    Associate Assistant Leader of English: Ms H Crook

    Teachers of English: Ms J Sofokleous, Mr D Seddon, Ms C Preston, Ms A Birley, Ms K McCarten, Ms E Croft,


    Leader of Mathematics: Ms Liebling-Davis

    Assistant Leader of Mathematics: Ms M Youssouf

    Associate Assistant Leader of Mathematics: Mr C Denton

    Teachers of Mathematics: Ms A Riley, Ms K Gilbert, Ms L Golding, Mr B Gidman-Knowles, Mr S Harrison, , Ms A Gillis, Ms J Dean (Trainee)


    Leader of Science: Mr I Rowlinson

    Assistant Leader of Science: Ms S Hargreaves

    Associate Assistant Leader of Science: Mr S Harte

    Teachers of Science: Mr C Woodward, Ms J Rawstron, Ms S Craven, Mr S Davanzo, Ms T Mistry, Ms Z Akhtar, Ms C Williams, Ms C Lovatt (Trainee), Mr R Osuoha (Trainee)


    Leader of Computing, Business & Media: Ms S Farrimond

    Teachers of Computing: Mr J Bell, Ms M Moore, Mr J Atkinson


    Leader of MFL: Ms J Rogers

    Teachers of MFL: Ms I Boussadaka, Ms E Lowe, Ms A Earnshaw (Trainee)


    Leader of Geography: Ms R Sutcliffe

    Teachers of Geography: Ms J Banks, Mr R Chapman, Ms E Heslop (Trainee)


    Leader of History: Ms H Winrow

    Teachers of History: Mr M Sale, Mr S Morrison, Ms L Grellier


    Leader of Technology: Ms L Ward

    Teachers of Technology: Ms A Hopkinson, Ms L Ferns

    The Arts

    Faculty Leader of The Arts: Mr R Poole

    Teachers of Art: Ms A Struthers, Ms B Sulek, Mr S Cordwell

    Teacher of Drama: Ms M Buckley, Ms S Taylor (Maternity Cover)

    Teacher of Music: Mr M Hulme

    Leader of Life, Theology & Religion: Ms K Halliwell

    Teacher of RE: Ms S Morris


    Leader of PE: Mr M Welch

    Teachers of PE: Ms J Bannister, Ms H Riding, Mr M Nield, Ms L McGlynn (Trainee), Mr L Holden (Trainee)

  • Support Staff

    Deep Support Team

    Learning Leaders: M H Kowalski (Yr 7), Ms V Parrish (Yr 8), Ms K Wilson (Yr 9), Ms N Devaney (Yr 10), Ms S Guy (Yr 11)

    Education Welfare Officer: Ms A Ibrahim

    Attendance Officer: Ms L Yogunali

    PLB Coordinator: Ms D Leigh

    Behaviour Admin Support: Ms S Flannigan, Vacancy (Maternity Cover)

    Pupil Welfare: Ms S Taylor-Jones

    Mountain Rescue Key Worker: Ms H Thompson, Ms R Jones (Maternity Cover)


    Hub Manager: Ms M Kerr

    TA4 Emotional & Mental: Ms J May

    SEND Administrator: Ms A Beatty

    TA2: Ms D Ainsworth, Ms S Beaumont, Ms C Buchanan, Mr A Campbell, Ms D Lawson, Ms A Marothi, Ms N Marothi, Ms S Matadar, Ms K Patel, Ms K Walker, Ms P Vij, Mr R Hughes, Ms N Gascoyne. Ms M Leader-Entwistle, Ms C Ozard


    Cover Supervisors: Ms K Calderbank, Ms I Tariq, Mr G True

    Business & Administration

    Business Manager: Ms G McFadden

    PA to the Principal and Secretary to the Trust: Ms M Kelly

    Finance Manager: Ms N Harrison

    Finance Assistant: Ms A Santos

    Receptionist: Ms S Leigh

    Office Manager: Ms J Rothwell

    Systems Manager: Ms J Lord

    HR Advisor: Ms L Holt

    Librarian: Ms V Gee, Ms H Vining (Volunteer)

    Marketing and Communications Lead: Ms K Coope

    Data Manager: Mr G Westhead


    Operations Manager: Mr P Donnelly

    Assistant Site Managers: Mr A Turner, Mr D Heslop


    ICT Network Manager: Mr S Kay

    ICT Technician: Mr P Whittaker


    Technology Technician: Mr L Disley

    Science Technician: Ms A Gurbutt

    Food Technology Technician: Ms D Rothwell

    Midday Supervisors

    Midday Supervisors: Ms H Ozard, Ms A Makowska

Staff Well-being

  • Well-being Credits

    Every member of the Little Lever Team receives three two-hour Well-being Credits each year.  These can be used whenever staff want to use them and can be used for a range of things.  Many staff will use them to see their children’s nativity play or sports day or finish early on a Friday to enjoy a long weekend away with their family or friends.

  • No Meetings After School

    We organise our curriculum intelligently so we maximise the time we spend in school.  Our teachers have no meetings after school.  We want teachers to spend their time designing great lessons, delivering great lessons, assessing students work and giving feedback in the most impactful way.  This is all we want them to concentrate on!

    Leaders do have meetings after school but this is an essential part of evaluating the impact of our strategies and adjusting these to ensure they have the desired impact on students’ learning.

  • Directed Time

    We use directed time for one simple thing… so we have maximum impact in helping every person achieve things they never thought they could.  We cut out any none essential work that detracts from our core purpose and regularly review our practices to ensure we do this.  As a result, Directed Time at Little Lever is typically 100 hours less than the recommended time stated in the Standard Teachers Pay and Conditions Document.  Our aim is to work as efficiently as we can with the sole aim of achieving our core purpose.

  • Collaborative Planning

    Every Wednesday at 2.45pm dedicated time is given to allow subject teams to meet together to collaboratively plan the curriculum and monitor and evaluate the impact of their teaching practices on students’ learning.