The school follows Bolton Council’s Democratic Services appeals procedure and timetable plus information on dates and deadlines for each stage of the appeals process, which is in line with the School Admissions Appeals Code.
Usually, your child will be offered a place at a preferred school, but if you are not offered a place in one of your preferred schools or you are unhappy with the school place allocated for whatever reason, you have the right to appeal to an independent panel. Bolton Council’s Democratic Services unit will set up appeals on behalf of all the schools in Bolton.
Before deciding whether to appeal, it may be helpful to visit the school you have been offered a place at. You may decide that you are happy with the alternative offered and have no need to use the appeal procedure. The offer you receive from Bolton Council will also provide information about your right to appeal. You must make sure your appeal is submitted within the deadline given. If you want to appeal for more than one school, you must complete a separate appeal form for each school you are appealing for.
Appeals are usually held in May/June/July. You will be given approximately two weeks’ notice of the date, time and place of the appeal. You are advised to attend the appeal hearing, where you will be given the opportunity to put your particular case forward and ask questions.
The result of your appeal will depend on the strength of your case. In most admission appeals the panel goes through two stages:
Stage 1
The panel hears the case put by the Admission Authority explaining how places have been allocated and why it could not offer a place at your preferred school. The panel must consider if the admission arrangements comply with the School Admissions Code, whether the admission arrangements were correctly applied and if the admission of additional children into the school would prejudice the provision of efficient education or efficient use of resources.
Stage 2
If the panel does decide there was good reason for turning down your application and the admission of additional children would prejudice the provision of efficient education or use of resources, they begin the second stage of the appeal. The panel hears your case, and you give your reasons for appealing against the decision. You can mention all the reasons why the school is best for your child, and what special factors justify your child being offered a place in the school. The panel then makes a ‘balancing judgement’ to decide whether the benefits for your child going to this school instead of the one they have been offered, outweigh the problems caused to the school in having one extra pupil. If the panel decide that your case is stronger, it will uphold your appeal and the Admission Authority is then under a duty to admit your child to the school.
If the appeal succeeds, the Admission Authority must offer your child a place at the school. If your appeal does not succeed, your child will be kept on the waiting list for your preferred school. There is no set number of appeals that are allowed. The panel may allow some, all or none at all. Unless there are significant and material changes in circumstances relevant to a further appeal the policy is not to consider repeat appeals for the same school. If you are unsuccessful with your appeal, you may appeal for other schools in the same way stated above providing they were listed as one of your preference schools. You cannot appeal for a place in a school unless you have been refused a place.