Transition 2024

Our New Year 7

This page is dedicated to everything you need to know about starting life at Little Lever School in Year 7.

This page is also a useful guide for any parents/carers considering applying for a place at Little Lever School in other years through Bolton Council’s In-Year Admission applications.

What is happening with Transition this year?

We have three ways which we will conduct our transition programme this year.

  • The first is this webpage, which provides you with key information about getting started at Little Lever.
  • Our current student body have also written welcome messages telling you what it’s like to be a Year 7 here.
  • You can also hear from our Student Leadership Committee (SLC) about how students take an active role in developing the direction of the school.

  • The second part of our transition programme is our Induction Day which takes place on Wednesday 3rd July 2024. The day starts at 9.30am and will finish at 3.30pm. Parents and carers will need to ecsort their children to the side gates which enter into our rear playground, found at the top of the pathway between Little Lever School and Bowness Primary School. Students must wear full primary school uniform, bringing with them a bag and pencil case.
  • Students will learn about our values, expectations, our enrichment programme, and work on building their aspirations for the future.
  • There will also be a Praise Auction where students can use Work Hard, Be Kind and Take Responsibility stickers they earn throughout the day to bid for a range of prizes!

  • The third part of our transition programme is our Transition Evening, taking place in school on Tuesday 9th July 2024. This evening is for parents/carers only due to the limitations of how many people we can safely seat in our Conference Room. The evening is split into two sessions in order for us to accomodate the 240 families in the building. The first session starts at 6pm and the second session starts at 7.15pm.
  • Students with a surname (last name) starting with A – K are to attend the 6pm session and students with a surname starting with L – Z are to attend the 7.15pm session.
  • The evening will consist of a detailed presentation from our Principal, Mr Mckeon about our values, expectations and how we will support your child to achieve things they never thought they could, along with other key information from our Senior Leadership Team.
  • There will also be an opportunity to view our uniform stockists, along with some light refreshments in the dining room, after each session has finished.

So firstly, sit back and take your time navigating this webpage via the drop down menus. We hope it answers the many questions you may have about joining Little Lever School. If you have any further questions, please email Miss Hutchinson, our Leader of Transition on

We can’t wait to see you all in soon!

Letters and Advice From Our Year 7s

We asked our our student body to write welcome messages and provide some advice for our new Year 7 students starting in September…

Dear new Year 7’s,

We’re all excited to hear you’re joining us at Little Lever School, I would love to tell you how much of a good school this is. At this school everyone is here to help you achieve things you never thought you could. People here also wish to make you feel safe.

When you start this September, you may not feel so confident, but do not worry, by the time you’re at the end of year 7 your confidence will be through the roof. We all believe in you.

If you find any lessons hard ask your teachers for help. That is what they are here for. Most people have left this school achieving things they never thought they could and so can you! So go ahead and leave your blazer in a better place.

Yours sincerely,


Dear new Year 7’s,

I know starting a new school can be scary and nerve wrecking but that’s expected. Many of you would have mixed feelings about moving from a primary school to a high school, but I’m sure you will settle in just fine.

Little Lever School does not expect you to be the smartest or cleverest but trying is always essential, it can lead to badges and even bigger prizes.

Your classes will be very different from primary school. They will be more difficult and more challenging but if you push yourself to your limits and be respectful towards others education, you could achieve things you never thought you could.

Yours sincerely,


Dear new Year 7,
I hope you’re excited to come to Little Lever School. When I was in year 6 I was worried about detentions and I’ve never had one! It’s actually quite hard to receive a detention as you always get a chance and a choice to improve and do the right thing. We are rewarded with points, prizes and badges when we do well and points are taken off when you get detentions and don’t do homework.

There’s no need to worry about being shouted at either, as teachers will just talk to you as they’re really friendly.

I wish you good luck and I’ll see you in September.


Dear Year 7,

I know how it feels to move to a new school, it can feel scary! Trust me, it’s not that bad.

When you are here, you can do anything on the Enrichment sessions. You might not know what that is, but you can do sports, art, writing and much, much more.

We also have reward points and badges. You can earn these by working hard in lessons and be kind to others. When you get a certain amount, you can get badges at the end of each term. You can also get badges for coming into school every day. These badges make you look even smarter in lessons.

I hope you are looking forward to coming to Little Lever School. I can’t wait to see you.

Dear New Year 7s,
Hi there, I’m going to give you a few tips and advice for your new journey at Little Lever.

It may seem like a big jump, coming to a brand-new school, meeting people you have never met before, and some people may have come alone, but that’s ok. You will meet people you have never met before with the same interests and hobbies as you.

Subjects – In high school, there are a lot more different subjects such as Drama, Catering and Design Technology. These offer more opportunities and for me, they have opened up a whole new interest or two.

Teachers – During your years at Little Lever you will meet a range of different teachers, that will help you with anything you need.

Good luck,

As scary as it seems starting a big brand-new school it’s not that bad. I know you are going to be scared, you have just got to be brave, take a deep breath and step right into a new lease of life. Yes, it is school, yes there will be homework (and quite a bit of it) but you have just got to be organized and know what you are doing, do not be stupid and think you are clever for not doing homework. It is for your benefit, it is to help you, no one else.

On the plus side of it is the new friends you will make and the amazing trips you will go on. The new teachers that bring more fun it the lessons you are going to have your favourite subject and you least favourite but that just what comes with school, it is like a package deal there is the cons and the pros to school you will have the best time of your life.

It is not at all like primary at all, you’re more independent. You get to walk round on your own, you get to have your own choice and opinion, you will be able to make cakes in catering, you will be able to make a bird feeder in technology and cannot even begin how many experiments you will do science. The teachers will talk about your GCSE exams, but it is what they must do to prepare you for them. They will make sure you get a good grade in your exams and make sure you have a good job, and they do all this for you.

So, the main thing you need to know about high school is you will have the time of your life and you do not need to worry or stress about it.


Dear New Year 7s,

Welcome to Little Lever High School! My name is Phoebe and we’re happy to have you at this school. Don’t worry about a thing as this school is amazing and so are the teachers. They are kind, caring and supportive and the lessons are fun and engaging and don’t even get me started on the yummy food! They even have waffles, pancakes and more at break and at lunch they have pizza, sandwiches and have all different main meals.

At Little Lever, we have just had a brand new library built. It’s very colourful and has lots of interesting books. The homework is not too hard and there’s not that much. If you don’t have any devices or have bad internet at home, there is something called Nightclub where you can do homework, get help if you don’t understand and get free food!

At Little Lever, we have 3 core values: be kind, take responsibility and work hard. We also believe that students can achieve things they never thought they could. If you have any problems, you can go to staff and they can talk with you anytime. We have this system and if you do good in your lessons, you get positive points and if you’re unkind or misbehave, you can get negative points which get taken from your positives. At the end of the half term you can use your positive points to bid for prizes!

We can’t wait to meet you.

From Phoebe

To the new year 7,

I believe in September you guys are starting high school and you are all probably nervous but don’t worry because last September when I was starting Little Lever, I was scared on my first day but everyone here is kind and very respectful.

On your first day you will meet your form tutor for the first time and will be given a timetable with lots of exciting, different subjects. Every morning when we line up on the yard, they announce the top form winners and top point scorer in the year for the previous day. I have been the top point scorer 4 times this year and I couldn’t be more proud of myself. Now that I am about to go into year 8, I want to keep achieving points and getting rewards from teachers.

Good luck, I will see you all in September, you will love it!!


What can you expect each day at Little Lever?

  • What is the Little Lever Way?

    Little Lever School is one of the most improved schools in the country! One of the major reasons for this is that everyone at Little Lever believes in our core purpose and doing things the Little Lever Way! Click below to find out what the Little Lever Way is all about…

    The Little Lever Way

  • Our Praise Culture

    We care about children and we want every child at Little Lever to be known and feel valued.  We want them to understand that success comes through hard work and effort.  We understand how Praise helps and supports every person to achieve things they never thought they could, but praise is earned at Little Lever.  We give praise for a multitude of things but primarily for demonstrating effort and kindness.  Click below to find out more about our praise culture…

    Our Praise Culture


  • Our Expectations

    We have very clear expectations at Little Lever.  We are very clear about what we expect from each and every student.  This is to ensure ALL students have the best chance of achieving things they never thought they could!  In our experience when you raise your expectations of young people they always rise to the challenge.  Click below to find out more about our expectations.

    Our Expectations

  • What subjects and topics do you learn about each year?

    We have mapped out what you will be learning each year at Little Lever. Go to our curriculum page below and watch the video to find out more…

    Our Curriculum

  • How do we help students learn and remember more?

    We pride ourselves on knowing what has the greatest impact in helping your children learn.   This is one of the many reasons why we are one of the most improved schools in the country!  We are research driven and only implement teaching strategies that have the greatest impact in helping our students achieve things they never thought they could!  Please click below to find out more about how we do this…

    Our Teaching


  • Our School Day for Year 7

    Our increase in Pupil Admission Numbers in our new September 2024 Year 7 cohort to 240 students in that year means that for the first 4 weeks of new academic year Year 7s will have their breaks and lunches on their own. They will also have 10 additional minutes added to their lunch time to 40mins.

    Once our new Year 7 students have settled in, they will revert to normal timings and have their break and lunchtimes with our Year 11s.

    Year 7

    8am – 8.30am: Morning breakfast available from the dining room

    8.30am: Line-Up

    8.30am – 9.10am: PREP Time

    9.10am – 10.40am: Session 1

    10.40am – 11.00am: Break Time

    11.00am – 12.30pm: Session 2

    12.20pm – 1.00pm: Lunch

    1.00pm – 2.30pm: Session 3

    2.30pm – 3.00pm: PREP Time


  • Our School Uniform

    We have a strict uniform policy.  This is to ensure students are preparing themselves for the world of work and life beyond their 5 years at Little Lever.  In many jobs students will have to wear a uniform or specialist equipment.  We want to teach our students the value of this.  We also want to ensure every student feels part of the Little Lever team.  When students wear our blazer they take on the responsibility to leave the blazer in a better place.  This means they represent our community when they wear our blazer and they must represent our community in the right way.

    We insist on black, leather, polishable shoes (not ankle high boots) and we will not deviate from this. Shoes must not have large logos on them. We do not allow trainers of any type.

    Hair colour must be a natural colour. We do not allow for any shaved patterns cut into hair. A minimum cut of up to a no.1 one is permitted.

    Students are only permitted to wear a wrist watch.  Rings, earrings, piercings and bracelets are not to be worn.  If students arrive to school with jewellery on it will be confiscated and a correction will be issued.  Again, we want students to take responsibility for the choices they make.  We have set out a clear uniform policy and our expectations will not change.  The responsibility lies with the student to make the right choice.

    If students are going to have piercings we recommend students have these done over the summer holidays.  We will not accept any reason for wearing jewellery other than a wrist watch.



    Equipment, Pencil Case, Mini Whiteboard, School Bag, Books

    Students are provided with a pencil case to include pen, purple pen, pencil, ruler and rubber.

    Students must be in possession of their school issued mini whiteboard.

    A school bag is required each day. Bags should not display any inappropriate logos.

    Their Reading Routes book (Y7-9 only).

    Their Need-To-Know book with their timetable stored in the protective plastic pocket.


    To be worn at all times unless permission to remove.

    Sleeves are to be rolled down.

    School issued reward badges can be worn lapels, no personal badges are allowed.


    Trousers must be black formal style tailored school trousers.

    Denim, canvas trousers or leggings / ‘jeggings’ are not permitted.


    White formal shirt. Top button fastened and shirt tucked in at all times.


    Navy blue pleated skirt is the only style of skirt that may be worn.

    Skirts must not be rolled up and belts are not permitted.


    The correct coloured Year Group tie must be worn. The same colour of tie stays with the student throughout their five years at Little Lever School.

    Ties must be worn at an appropriate length, displaying a minimum of six stripes below the knot.

    School Jumper (optional)

    The navy blue v-neck jumper with the school logo can be worn under the blazer as an additional layer.

    They are not to be worn as a replacement to the blazer.

    Plain Black, White or Navy Blue Socks

    Plain Black or Navy Blue Tights

    Socks must not have any logos or additions such as bows, ribbons or frills.

    Tights are to be opaque. If students arrive with tights that are laddered or ripped they must make their way straight to the uniform shop on arrival to school to replace them.

    Black Leather Shoes

    Traditional, well-constructed, weather proof, leather shoes with a low heel.

    No ankle high boots are allowed.

    Trainers – black or otherwise are not acceptable.


    Extreme fashion hairstyles (e.g. decorative shaved elements or motifs) and extreme hair colours are not permitted (e.g. hair must be of a natural colour).

    If longer than shoulder length, hair must be tied back in situations where it could cause a danger to the individual or others, such as in PE and other practical lessons.

    False Nails / False Eyelashes

    False nails or nail extensions of any description represent a health and safety risk and may not be worn.

    Nail varnish must not be worn.

    False eyelashes are not permitted.


    Any make-up worn by students should be natural and discreet.


    Students are permitted to wear a wrist watch only.

    No other items of jewellery, including friendship bracelets, facial or tongue piercings are permitted under any circumstances.

    Coats, Hats, Scarves, Gloves

    Weatherproof outdoor coats are only to be worn outside and not when inside the school building.

    Coats should never be worn over blazers and never instead of.

    Coats should not display any inappropriate logos.

    In cold or wet weather appropriate hats, scarves and gloves may be worn to and from school, but not inside the school building.

    Coats and hoodies must not be worn under school blazers at any time.

    Mobile Phones

    Mobile Phones are not allowed in school.

    If a student does bring a phone to school, it must be switched off and placed in the bag before crossing the blue line in the morning.

    At the end of the school day students must wait to leave the school premises at the blue line before accessing their phone.

    Lost Property

    The school cannot accept any responsibility for loss of property.

    Parents/carers must ensure all items of clothing are clearly marked with their child’s name and check regularly that the name is still visible.

    Confiscated Property

    The school cannot take any responsibility for the loss of any property which is confiscated, for example a bracelet being worn by a student or a mobile which a student has been seen using.

    Our Uniform Stockists

    Whittaker’s Schoolwear, Deansgate, Bolton 01204 389485

    Smart Clothing, Blackhorse Street, Bolton 01204 392610

    PTS School Wear, 7 New Road, Radcliffe 0161 723 0991

    Ziggys, Brackley Street, Farnworth 01204 577211

  • Our PE Uniform

    There are a range of PE uniform items which you can purchase from our uniform stockists. The essential PE uniform required for all students are as follows.


    • Little Lever polo t-shirt
    • Little Lever shorts or plain navy blue tracksuit bottoms with no sports manufacturer logo
    • Little Lever hoodie
    • Students require a change of socks for their PE lessons. This can either be our Little Lever long sock or a sports sock purchased from any retailer (not a regular sock worn with their uniform).
    • Trainers for indoor PE lessons and trainers for outdoor PE lessons


    • Little Lever polo t-shirt
    • Little Lever leggings or plain navy blue leggings with no sports manufacturer logo
    • Little Lever hoodie
    • Students require a change of socks for their PE lessons. This can either be our Little Lever long sock or a sports sock purchased from any retailer (not a regular sock worn with their uniform).
    • Trainers for indoor PE lessons and trainers for outdoor PE lessons
  • What equipment must students bring to school every day?

    The school will provide every student with the compulsory equipment they need for school everyday;

    • School bag – rucksack or bag to hold the following items…
    • black pen,
    • purple pen,
    • ruler,
    • rubber,
    • pencil,
    • school bookmark,
    • mini-whiteboard,
    • white board pen,
    • A4 size Need-To-Know-Book,
    • Reading Routes book.

    Students may bring their own additional equipment, but they MUST have the above items everyday. They will be checked every morning to ensure the have them and are fully equipped to learn effectively.

    ‘You wouldn’t turn up to a football match without your football boots… you’re probably not going to play very well…’

    This is a common analogy we use with students to show them the importance of having their equipment with them at all times. Not having the right equipment can significantly affect the progress a student makes each day.

    We conduct equipment checks every morning in PREP time. Students who do not have the right equipment will be issued the right equipment for the day. If students return the equipment at the end of the day there will be no consequence issued. Should students not return their equipment they will be issued with a detention. Again, this is to teach students about the importance of managing themselves and taking responsibility for their equipment.

Meet the people who will help you achieve things you never thought you could

  • Meet the Senior Leadership Team

    Principal: Mr D Mckeon

    Associate Principal: Ms L Emmett

    Vice Principal: Mr P Davies

    Associate Vice Principal: Mr S Cordwell (Deep Leadership)

    Assistant Principals:

    Ms M Moore (Deep Experience)

    Ms G Hutchinson (Deep Support/Deep Learning)

    Ms L Grellier (Deep Learning)

    Mr K Wilson (Deep Support)

    Ms S Hargreaves (Deep Experience/ Deep Learning)

    Mr M Leathert (Director of SCITT)

    Mr M Lish

    Designated Safeguarding Leader: Mr S Reynolds (Deep Support/ Deep Experience)


    Head of Inclusion (SENCo): Ms V Coope

    Leader of Transition / Learning Leader: Ms S Leigh

  • Our Student Leadership Committee (SLC)

    Our SLC plays a vital role in the life and direction of the school, as this body represents the voice of all our students. Made up of elected members from all year groups, the SLC meets regularly as a commitee to discuss school improvement initiatives, presents their feedback to senior leaders and the Trust, represents the school in local, national and international events and are exceptional role models for everyone.

    We have asked our Prime Minister, Ryan Cain to record a short video to explain more about the SLC.

  • Accessing Your Parent Portal

    All information regarding Little Lever School will be on your Parent Portal.  This will be our main means of communication with yourself as parents and carers. It is like your own, personal website!

    On your Parent Portal you will find.

    • Your School Information Form and School Agreement Forms, which must be completed before your child starts with us in September 2024
    • Letters and correspondence aimed specifically at your child or their year group or class
    • Your child’s Academic Reports which are published twice-a-year
    • News articles from our website news feeds and links to our curriculum pages
    • Direct access to our other online platforms, ParentPay, SIMS Parent App, Class Charts and SchoolCloud.

    A username and password are required to access your Portal. Once the school has been provided with the email address you wish to use as your main form of communication, we will send you an email with your ParentPay log in, SIMS Parent App log in and your Parent Portal log in. Your Parent Portal log in looks something like this…

    Your username is:  JL000100 (example)

    Your password is: TwoWords01! (example)

    These are set by the school and cannot be changed, so please remember them!

    Please note, if you have more than one child in the school, you will have two separate log in and password combinations as they are based exclusively on your child’s school admission number.

    How to access your Parent Portal

    Step 1

    You can access your Parent Portal by going to the Little Lever School website, and clicking on the pink Parent Portal button at the top of the Home Page (circled in green in the image below).

    Step 2

    On the ‘Welcome to the Parent Portal’ page, type in the username and password you have received from school and press the pink ‘Log In’ button. You may wish to tick the ‘Remember Me’ button to store the log in details on your device.

    Step 3

    You will find near the top of your Parent Portal home page a ‘My Forms’ section where you’ll find the School Agreement and School Information forms. Both must be completed before your child starts with us in September 2022 by a person with parental responsibility for the year 7 child. These forms are purely electronic. Once completed, click the ‘Submit’ button. The school will receive a notification that the forms have been submitted and your personal details will be stored in our SIMS database.

    Step 4

    Take some time to navigate your Portal. In the ‘Quick Links’ section are direct access to our other online platforms such as.

    • ParentPay – a method of securely transferring funds to your child’s school account to purchase food or pay for trips, excursions, etc.
    • SIMS Parent App – a place where you can see your child’s achievement points, behaviour record, retrieval practice (homework)and attendance
    • Class Charts – a new app where you can find a more detailed record of your child’s retrieval practice homework records (to be launched later this academic year)
    • School Cloud – a platform to book Parents’ Evening appointments with your child’s form teacher and subject teachers.

    As your child moves through the year more content will be added to your page, whether that be letters, specific correspondence for your child, their class or year group and your child’s academic reports in the ‘My Documents’ section. Important general news updates from our website will also be posted in the ‘Notice Board’ section.


  • Additional Support / SEND

    Some students received some additional support in Primary School and may need some additional support once at Little Lever School.  The Inclusion team are in contact with your Primary Schools to find out what support may be needed for you to successfully transition to Little Lever School.

    Throughout Year 7 and beyond, the Inclusion team are available to support you with all your learning and health needs both within the classroom and in small groups outside the classroom.   A full range of interventions are offered in school and you can see the types of interventions in our school SEN Report which can be viewed in the page link below…

    Our School Policies – including SEN

  • Staying Safe Online

    Mr Reynolds, our Designated Safeguarding Lead presented information about how to keep you child safe online in our Transition Evening. As a reminder and for anyone who could not attend the evening, please find some key links to organisations which can support you and your child in being safe online.

    Staying Safe Online – Useful links  (CEOPS)

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing

    Please click on the links below to our Mental Health and Wellbeing section which outlines how the school supports and promotes positive mental health and wellbeing. Our News section often provides updated information on external support in this area as well.

    Mental Health and Wellbeing

    Staying Mentally and Physically Healthy at Home