Our Reading Routes Curriculum


Reading Routes offers our students the chance to select and read books that have been selected by all our staff in school.

It provides an opportunity to discuss and read in school and promote independent reading for all students at home.

Students can choose from up to 30 books in their year group split across 3 routes.  These routes are ‘Be Kind’, ‘Work Hard’, ‘Take Responsibility’, with the story of each book containing themes that match one of our school’s core values.

Each fortnight students have a dedicated lesson to support their reading.  Here they can share their reading with their teacher and peers, learn about the context behind the texts, and discuss the themes and messages each book contains. Staff will listen to students read during this lesson, to share conversations about each story and to support students where needed.

Our students have been set a challenge to read as many books as they can each term.  Their teachers track their reading progress and can recommend suitable books for students to choose.  The more they read, the more achievements they will be rewarded for.


Year 7 ‘Be Kind’

This is a selection of some of the books available to year 7 when reading the ‘Be Kind’ route.

Each book encourages students to consider empathy or morality, whilst discussing some of the struggles many people face each day, such as bullying, discrimination or dealing with difficult and unexpected situations.

Remember- in a world where you can be anything,


Year 7 ‘Work Hard’

This is a selection of some of the books available to year 7 when reading the ‘Work Hard’ route.

Each book describes challenges or problems which characters have to overcome to achieve success.  Many of the stories found within this route outline the struggles and hardships people can face when challenging themselves in new and sometimes scary situations- using resilience and determination to achieve their best.

Remember- WORK HARD at work worth doing.

Year 7 ‘Take Responsibility’

This is a selection of some of the books available to year 7 when reading the ‘Take Responsibility’ route.

Making difficult decisions, helping others, problem solving and leadership are all aspects found within this selection of stories.  Many include life lessons and situations that many readers will relate to from aspects of their own lives.

Remember- whatever happens, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!


Year 8 ‘Be Kind’

This is a selection of some of the books available to year 8 when reading the ‘Be Kind’ route.

Each book encourages students to consider empathy or morality, whilst discussing some of the struggles many people face each day, such as bullying, discrimination or dealing with difficult and unexpected situations.

Remember- in a world where you can be anything,


Year 8 ‘Work Hard’

This is a selection of some of the books available to year 8 when reading the ‘Work Hard’ route.

Each book describes challenges or problems which characters have to overcome to achieve success.  Many of the stories found within this route outline the struggles and hardships people can face when challenging themselves in new and sometimes scary situations- using resilience and determination to achieve their best.

Remember- WORK HARD at work worth doing.

Year 8 ‘Take Responsibility’

This is a selection of some of the books available to year 8 when reading the ‘Take Responsibility’ route.

Making difficult decisions, helping others, problem solving and leadership are all aspects found within this selection of stories.  Many include life lessons and situations that many readers will relate to from aspects of their own lives.

Remember- whatever happens, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!


Year 9 ‘Be Kind’

This is a selection of some of the books available to year 9 when reading the ‘Be Kind’ route.

Each book encourages students to consider empathy or morality, whilst discussing some of the struggles many people face each day, such as bullying, discrimination or dealing with difficult and unexpected situations.

Remember- in a world where you can be anything,


Year 9 ‘Work Hard’

This is a selection of some of the books available to year 9 when reading the ‘Work Hard’ route.

Each book describes challenges or problems which characters have to overcome to achieve success.  Many of the stories found within this route outline the struggles and hardships people can face when challenging themselves in new and sometimes scary situations- using resilience and determination to achieve their best.

Remember- WORK HARD at work worth doing.

Year 9 ‘Take Responsibility’

This is a selection of some of the books available to year 9 when reading the ‘Take Responsibility’ route.

Making difficult decisions, helping others, problem solving and leadership are all aspects found within this selection of stories.  Many include life lessons and situations that many readers will relate to from aspects of their own lives.

Remember- whatever happens, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!