15th July, 2024

End of School Year Arrangements and September Start Details

15th July 2024

Dear parent / carer

What a wonderful year it has been at Little Lever!  The school is moving from strength to strength and at speed!

Your children have been magnificent!  The work they are producing in classrooms is phenomenal and they epitomise our values in all that they do.  They are kind, they work hard, and they take responsibility and it’s a joy to be able to work with them and see them flourish every day.

We are receiving many accolades as a school both locally, regionally, and nationally and we are being asked to support many schools across the region who are intrigued to know what we do and how we do it.

We are at the forefront of teacher training nationally and are recognised as a Teach First partner school where we lead the training for the next generation of teachers.

There are exciting times ahead at Little Lever as we expand the school over the next two years.  We are welcoming more Year 7 students to the school in September, and we are very much looking forward to welcoming them officially to the Little Lever family.

Over the next two years you will begin to see the building change and with it the facilities and resources we can provide.  Our building will begin to match the ambition we have for your children and this community!   It is exciting times ahead at Little Lever School!

This building work will cause some disruption to our ‘line ups’ at the start of the school day and the departure routines at the end of the day for students.  We will provide parents and carers with more information over the summer holidays regarding this.

Please see the menu below for end of school year arrangements and arrangments in place for September. 

Finally, I wanted to pass on my thanks for all your support and dedication as parents and carers, you too have been magnificent and continue to help Little Lever School move from strength to strength!

Thank you, have a great summer and we look forward to seeing your children in the new academic year!

Kind regards
Mr Mckeon

  • Last Day July 2024

    Students will finish school at 12.30pm on Friday 19th July.

    We will be celebrating all the work students have produced this year and the values they have demonstrated with a Praise Auction on the final day.

    There will be no lunch available on this day; however, students who are entitled to receive a free school meal will be provided with a packed lunch.  This should be requested before Thursday 18th July, by contacting Mandy Kelly on 01204 333304 or mke@little-lever.bolton.sch.uk

    As there will be no afternoon school bus service on Friday 19th July, it is important for parents / carers to make alternative arrangements for their child to get home if they would normally travel by bus.

    Please note, there will be no own clothes day on the final day this year


  • Thursday 18th July - Rewards Day

    Students will finish at the normal time of 3.30pm on Thursday 18th July.

    Instead of an own clothes day on the final day of the year we will be showing our appreciation for the hard work and dedication the students have shown throughout the year by rewarding them with a series of activities that they can take part in throughout the day.  These will range from an inflatable obstacle course to a silent disco!

    Students will need to attend school in their school PE kit on Thursday 18th July.

    Each form was allocated £200 at the start of the academic year as an equipment budget.  Those students who brought their equipment everyday helped maintain that total throughout the year.  As a reward for all those students who took responsibility each and every day the forms have ‘pooled’ their money together to pay for the range activities that we will have available to all children on Thursday 18th July.

  • Start Times for September 2024

    Start times for September 2024:

    We have updated the times of the school day on our website for all parents and carers to view (insert link).  The government white paper has stated that the minimum expectations for children to be in school is 32.5 hours per week.   Our new times of the day are in line with this, and we wanted to simplify this for students and parents.

    Arrive 8.30am 8.30am 8.30am 8.30am 8.30am
    Depart 3.00pm 3.00pm 3.00pm 3.00pm 3.00pm

    Students will still have the opportunity to take part in Enrichment activities but these activities will be voluntary and will run from Monday to Friday across each week.

    This means the finish time on a Thursday and a Friday will be 3pm from September 2024.

  • Return to School in September

    The return to school date in September for new Year 7 students is Tuesday 3rd September.  Students will be expected to arrive at school before 8.30am

    The return to school date in September for all other Year groups is Wednesday 4th September.  Students will be expected to arrive at school before 8.30am

  • Uniform Updates

    We wanted to remind parents and carers of our uniform and expectations via our webpage.

    Please note specific details regarding socks, shoes and jewellery expectations starting September 2024.

    Student Democracy at its best!

    Using the school’s ministry structure our students voted to change the uniform policy so we could allow students to wear earrings from September 2024.  Approximately 350 students voted for this change with approximately 150 students voting for the current policy to remain the same.

    We will be adopting the change from September 2024 to allow students to wear a stud earring and the website and policy will be updated from September 2024 to reflect this.   

    Any earrings that will cause a potential health and safety risk such as hoop earrings or earrings that dangle will not be permitted and any students wearing these types of earrings will be asked to remove them, they will be confiscated for the day and a correction will be issued.

    The change will be implemented as a trial for the first term (until Christmas) where it will be reviewed.  At the review we will make the decision to make the change permanent or revert back to the old policy.

    Earrings will need to be removed before any PE session.

    If your children are going to have piercings, we would recommend they do this early in the summer.


  • Parent Forum ‘Communications’ Working Party

    Thank you to all the parents and carers that attended the recent Parent Forum where we are looking to continually improve the way we communicate.  The session was excellent, and parents provided a number of fantastic ideas and constructive feedback.  We will be looking to implement a number of these ideas in consultation with parents from September.  We will be co-constructing a communications strategy with the working party so we can give you the information you need at the right time in order that it gives you, as parents, the ‘tools’ to support your children.