27th June, 2022

GCSE Results Day and Post Results Guidance

GCSE Results Day takes place on Thursday 25th August 2022.

Please find below arrangements for how the day will work.

Students will be able to collect their results in person from 10am until 12pm. Weather permitting, results will be available for collection on the rear playground with entry via the rear gates near Bowness Primary. If the weather is unsuitable for outdoor collection, results will be available for collection from the Sports Hall, with entry via the Leisure Centre main reception.

Results will be stored alphabetically based on surnames across a number of tables. Students will be issued with their GCSE results on a report generated by the school. These can be used as evidence for college and post-16 course admissions. Students must sign to confirm that they have collected their results and also indicate what their post-16 destinations are.

If students are not able to collect their results between the hours of 10am and 12pm, they can be collected from the main school office thereafter.

Official GCSE certificates are normally generated and sent to schools by each exam board in November. We will update our website and social media feeds as to when these are available for collection.

  • What if students are unable to collect their results in person on Results Day?

    Please note that GCSE Results belong to the student only and cannot be collected by another person. If the student is unable to collect their results, they can nominate a close relative of their family (not friend, neighbour or acquaintance) to collect their results in their place. The student must provide a written letter to the school that their nominated person can collect for them. That person must also provide ID at the collection point, along with the letter.

  • What if students and their families are away and not able to collect their results on Results Day?

    If a student and their family are unable to collect their results on the day, they can request their results to be emailed to them by the school. This request must be made before the end of this academic year, by Friday 22nd July.

    The student themself must email the school at info@little-lever.bolton.sch.uk and address the email to Mr Cordwell, Assistant Principal. Students must send the email using the personal email address they wish the results to be emailed to. Again, as the results belong to the student, results can only be emailed to the student themselves.

    If the student does not have their own, personal email address, they can nominate a close relative of their family (not friend, neighbour or acquaintance) to receive their results in their place. The student must provide a written letter to the school that their nominated person can receive their results for them and provide the email address of that person. That person will be contacted by the school to confirm their identify.

  • Appeals

    The following information explains what may happen following a clerical re-check, a review of marking and any subsequent appeal you may wish to make yourself.

    If your school or college submits a request for a clerical re-check or a review of the original marking, and then a subsequent appeal, for one of your examinations after your subject grade has been issued, there are three possible outcomes:

    • Your original mark is lowered, so your final grade may be lower than the original grade you received.
    • Your original mark is confirmed as correct, so there is no change to your grade.
    • Your original mark is raised, so your final grade may be higher than the original grade you received.

    To proceed with the clerical re-check or review of marking, you must sign the form below. This tells the head of your school or college that you have understood what the outcome might be, and that you give your consent to the clerical re-check or review of marking being submitted.

    Consent forms must be returned to school by no later than 19th September 2022. These must be emailed to info@little-lever.bolton.sch.uk and titled ‘GCSE Results Appeal’. The form can be downloaded from the blue tab below.

    Reviews of marking and appeals must be received by the exam boards by 29th September 2022.

JCQ Clerical re-checks, reviews of marking and appeals consent form

Consent Form
