4th May, 2020

How to stay safe while working from home

Even though you are not currently working in school your safety and wellbeing is still very important to us. If you are feeling unsafe, anxious or unhappy you can get support from the school by calling, texting or leaving a voicemail on the following number:

07592 328079

Or you can send an email to:


A member of staff will contact you to provide you with support and advice.

You are probably spending more time online than normal at present and it is important that you remember the key rules for keeping yourself safe:

  • Only communicate online with people you know
  • Do not share personal information online (e.g. address, phone numbers)
  • Set your social media accounts to private so only the people you want to can view them
  • Block and report anybody you are concerned about.

There are many organisations that you contact if you feel unsafe or unhappy. These include:

Childline: Phone 0800 1111 (free) childline.org.uk

CEOPS: Reporting online safety concerns  tinyurl.com/orfuphs

Think You Know: Online safety advice  thinkuknow.co.uk

NSPCC (Mental health advice):  tinyurl.com/vszc9ee

Young Minds: youngminds.org.uk

Place 2be: place2be.org.uk

Kooth – Online counselling and support: kooth.com

If you feel unsafe and need of immediate help call the police on 999