To access the Hegarty Clips listed below, go to
When? | Content Domain | Topic | Reference | Learning Objectives | Hegarty Clip |
Year 9 Half Term 1 | Number | Integers and place value | 1a-1 | Use and order positive and negative numbers | 14, 37 |
1a-2 | Add and subtract positive and negative numbers | 39 - 41 | |||
1a-3 | Multiply and divide positive and negative numbers (integers) | 6, 15, 16 | |||
1a-4 | Multiply or divide any number by powers of 10 | 42 - 44 | |||
1a-5 | Use brackets and the hierarchy of operations (not including powers) | 24, 44 | |||
1a-6 | Round numbers to a given power of 10 | 17 | |||
1a-7 | Check answers by rounding and using inverse operations | ||||
Number | Decimals | 1b-1 | Identify the value of digits in a decimal or whole number | 45 | |
1b-2 | Add and subtract with decimals | 47 | |||
1b-3 | Multiply with decimals | 48 | |||
1b-4 | Divide with decimals including decimal numbers | 49, 50 | |||
1b-5 | Perform calculations involving money | 743 - 754 | |||
1b-6 | Round to the nearest integer and a given number of decimal places | 56 | |||
1b-7 | Round to any given number of significant figures | 130 | |||
1b-8 | Estimate answers to calculations by rounding numbers to 1 significant figure | 131 | |||
1b-9 | Use one calculation to find the answer to another | 135, 136 | |||
Number | Indices, powers and roots | 1c-1 | Find squares and cubes | 99 - 101 | |
1c-2 | Evaluate expressions involving squares, cubes and roots | 102, 103 | |||
1c-3 | Use index notation for powers of 10, including negative powers | 121 | |||
1c-4 | Use the laws of indices to multiply and divide numbers written in index notation | 105, 106 | |||
1c-5 | Use brackets and the hierarchy of operations with powers inside the brackets, or raising brackets to powers | 107 | |||
Number | Factors, multiples and primes | 1d-1 | List all three-digit numbers that can be made from three given integers | 670 | |
1d-2 | Identify factors, multiples and prime numbers | 27, 28, 33 | |||
1d-3 | List all factors of a number and list multiples systematically | 31, 34 | |||
1d-4 | Find the HCF and LCM of integers | 29, 30 | |||
1d-5 | Find the prime factor decomposition of positive integers and write as a product using index notation | 29, 30 | |||
1d-6 | Find the LCM and HCF of two numbers, by listing, Venn diagrams and using prime factors: include finding LCM and HCF given the prime factorisation of two numbers | 32, 35 | |||
1d-7 | Solve simple problems using HCF, LCM and prime numbers | 36 | |||
Year 9 Half Term 2 | Algebra | Algebra: the basics | 2a-1 | Write an expression | 151 - 153 |
2a-2 | Select an expression/equation/formula/identity from a list | 154 | |||
2a-3 | Simplify algebraic expressions involving addition/subtraction eg:Collecting like terms | 156, 157 | |||
2a-4 | Multiply together two simple algebraic expressions | 158 | |||
2a-5 | Divide two algebraic expressions eg: 28dpower 4 divide 7dsquared | 159 | |||
2a-6 | Use index laws in algebra | 173 - 175 | |||
Algebra | Expanding and factorising single brackets | 2b-1 | Simplify expressions involving brackets, i.e. expand the brackets | 160, 161 | |
2b-2 | Simplify expressions involving brackets, i.e. expand the brackets, then add/subtract | 160, 161 | |||
2b-3 | Factorise algebraic expressions by taking out common factors | 168169 | |||
Algebra | Expressions and substitution into formulae | 2c-1 | Write expressions to solve problems representing a situation | 155 | |
2c-2 | Substitute positive numbers in simple algebraic expressions | 780, 781 | |||
2c-3 | Substitute negative numbers into expressions | 784, 785 | |||
2c-4 | Substitute numbers into expressions involving brackets and powers | 782, 783 | |||
2c-5 | Substitute numbers into a formula | 279 | |||
Year 9 Half Term 3 | Number | Fractions | 4a-1 | Write a fraction in its simplest form and find equivalent fractions | 59, 61 |
4a-2 | Order fractions, by using a common denominator | 60 | |||
4a-3 | Convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions | 63, 64 | |||
4a-4 | Add and subtract fractions, including mixed numbers | 65, 66 | |||
4a-5 | Understand and use unit fractions as multiplicative inverses | 67 | |||
4a-6 | Multiply a fraction by a fraction | 68,69 | |||
4a-7 | Understand and use unit fractions as multiplicative inverses | 70 | |||
4a-8 | Divide fractions by a whole number and fractions | 77 - 79 | |||
Number | FDP | 4b-1 | Find fraction of a quantity, including reverse fractions | 52, 73 | |
4b-2 | Find reverse fractions | 73 | |||
4b-3 | Convert between fractions and decimals | 60, 46 | |||
4b-4 | Recognise recurring decimals and convert fractions | 75, 76 | |||
4b-5 | Compare and order fractions and decimal numbers | 149 | |||
4b-6 | Express a given number as a percentage of another number | 149 | |||
Number | Percentages | 4c-1 | Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages | 84, 85 | |
4c-2 | Order fractions, decimals and percentages, including use of inequality signs | 88 | |||
4c-3 | Find a percentage of a quantity without a calculator | 93, 759, 760 | |||
4c-4 | Calculate percentage increase/decrease | 86 | |||
4c-5 | Use percentages in real-life situations • Price after VAT (not price before VAT); • Value of profit or loss; • Simple interest; • Income tax calculations | 89 | |||
4c-6 | Use decimals to find quantities | 90- 92 | |||
4c-7 | Use a multiplier to find a percentage of a quantity | 154 | |||
4c- 8 | Use a multiplier to increase or decrease by a percentage | 176 | |||
Algebra | Equations | 5a-1 | Select an expression/equation/formula/identity from a list | ||
5a-2 | Write expressions and set up simple equations | 178, 179, 181, 182 | |||
5a-3 | Use function machines | 184, 185, 186 | |||
5a-4 | Solve simple linear equations | 183 | |||
5a-5 | Solve linear equations which contain brackets | 280-82 | |||
5a-6 | Solve linear equations in which the unknown appears on either side or on both sides of the equation | 180 | |||
5a-7 | Solve linear equations in one unknown, with integer or fractional coefficients | 287 | |||
5a-8 | Rearrange simple equations | 189 | |||
5a-9 | Substitute into a formula, and solve the resulting equation | 478, 813, 814, 552 | |||
5a-10 | Find an approximate solution to a linear equation using a graph | 188 | |||
5a -11 | Solve angle or perimeter problems using algebra | 265, 266 | |||
5a - 12 | Write an equation to solve a word problem | 267 | |||
Year 9 Half Term 4 | Algebra | Inequalities | 5b-1 | Show inequalities on number lines | 268 |
5b-2 | Write down integer values that satisfy an inequality | 269 - 271 | |||
5b-3 | Construct inequalities to represent a set shown on a number line | 132 | |||
5b-4 | Solve simple linear inequalities | 134 | |||
5b-5 | Round answers to a given degree of accuracy | 774-777 | |||
5b -6 | Truncate numbers | ||||
5b - 7 | Use inequality notation to specify simple error intervals due to truncation or rounding | 197 | |||
Algebra | Sequences | 5c-1 | Use function machines to find terms of a sequence | 198 | |
5c-2 | Write the term-to-term definition of a sequence in words | 264 | |||
5c-3 | Find a specific term in the sequence using position-to-term or term-to-term rules | 261, 263 | |||
5c-4 | Generate arithmetic sequences of numbers | 196 | |||
5c-5 | Generate special sequences, such as triangular number, square and cube integers and sequences derived from diagrams | 198 | |||
5c-6 | Find the nth term of a linear sequence | 247 | |||
5c-7 | Find the nth term for a pattern sequence | 247 | |||
5c-8 | Answer questions using the sequence | 199 | |||
5c-9 | Continue a quadratic sequence and use the nth term to generate terms | 200 | |||
Year 9 Half Term 5 | Algebra | Real life graphs | 9a-1 | Draw, label and scale axes and identify points with given coordinates | 199 |
9a-2 | Find the coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment | 200 | |||
9a-3 | Draw and interpret straight-line graphs for real-life situations | 894, 895 | |||
9a-4 | Draw distance–time graphs | 874 - 876 | |||
9a-5 | Interpret distance–time graphs | 877 | |||
9a-6 | Find the gradient of a straight line from real-life graphs | 201, 896 | |||
9a-7 | Interpret gradient as the rate of change in distance–time and speed–time graphs | 896 | |||
Algebra | Straight Line Graphs | 9b-1 | Use function machines to find coordinates | ||
9b-2 | Plot and draw graphs of y = a, x = a, y = x and y = –x | 205 | |||
9b-3 | Plot and draw graphs of straight lines of the form y = mx + c using a table of values and recognise that equations of the form y = mx + c correspond to straight-line graphs | 206 - 209 | |||
9b-4 | Identify and interpret gradient from an equation y = mx + c. Sketch a graph of a linear function, using the gradient and y-intercept | 210 | |||
9b-5 | Identify parallel lines from their equations | 214 | |||
9b-6 | Plot and draw graphs of straight lines in the form ax + by = c | 280, 281 | |||
9b-7 | Find the equation of a straight line from a graph | 210 - 211 | |||
9b-8 | Find the equation of the line through one point with a given gradient | 212 | |||
9b-9 | Find approximate solutions to a linear equation from a graph | ||||
Ratio and Proportion | Ratio | 11a-1 | Write/interpret a ratio to describe a situation | 328 | |
11a-2 | Write ratios in their simplest form | 329 | |||
11a-3 | Write a ratio as a fraction | 330 | |||
11a-4 | Write ratios in form of unit ratios | 331 | |||
11a-5 | Share a quantity in a given ratio including three-part ratios | 332 | |||
11a-6 | Use a ratio to find one quantity when the other is known | 333, 334 | |||
11a-7 | Use a ratio to convert between measures | 707 | |||
Ratio and Proportion | Proportion | 11b-1 | Understand what is meant by direct proportion | 339, 340 | |
11b-2 | Solve word problems involving direct proportion, including using the unitary method | 341 | |||
11b-3 | Understand inverse proportion and solve word problems involving inverse proportion | 342 | |||
11b-4 | Work out which product is the better buy | 763 - 770 | |||
11b-5 | Scale up recipes | 739 - 742 | |||
11b-6 | Convert between currencies | 707, 708 | |||
11b-7 | Recognise when values are in direct proportion by reference to the graph form and understand that for direct proportion y=kx | 343 | |||
Year 9 Half Term 6 | Geometry and Measure | Perimeter and area | 8a-1 | Convert between metric units | 691 |
8a-2 | Measure shapes to find perimeters and areas using a range of scales | 553 | |||
8a-3 | Find the perimeter of triangles, rectangles, parallelograms and trapezia, including compound shapes | 548 - 552 | |||
8a-4 | Find the area of a rectangle and triangle | 554, 557 | |||
8a-5 | Find the area of a trapezium and recall the formula | 559 | |||
8a-6 | Find the area of a parallelogram | 556 | |||
8a-7 | Calculate areas and perimeters of compound shapes made from triangles and rectangles | 555, 558 | |||
8a-8 | Find the surface area of a prism using rectangles and triangles | 584, 585 | |||
8a-9 | Convert between metric area measures | 700, 701 | |||
Geometry and Measure | 3D forms and volume | 8b-1 | Identify and name common solids: cube, cuboid, cylinder, prism, pyramid, sphere and cone | 829, 830 | |
8b-2 | Sketch nets of cuboids and prisms | 833- 836 | |||
8b-3 | Recall and use the formula for the volume of a cuboid | 568, 569 | |||
8b-4 | Find the volume of a prism, including a triangular prism, cube and cuboid | 570, 571 | |||
8b-5 | Estimate volumes etc by rounding measurements to 1 significant figure | 131 | |||
8b-6 | Convert between metric volume measures | 702, 703 | |||
8b-7 | Convert between metric measures of volume and capacity | 698, 699 | |||
Statistics and Probability | Probability 1 | 13a-1 | Use the language of chance to describe events (impossible, unlikely, even chance, likely and certain) | 349 | |
13a-2 | Mark events and/or probabilities on a probability scale of 0 to 1 | 350 | |||
13a-3 | Find the probability of an event happening using theoretical probability. Write the probabilities in fractions, decimals and percentages | 350 - 352 | |||
13a-4 | Find the probability of an event not happening | 353 | |||
13a-5 | Identify different mutually exclusive outcomes and know that the sum of the probabilities of all outcomes is 1 | 354 | |||
13a-6 | List all outcomes for single events systematically | 670 | |||
13a-7 | Work out probabilities from frequency tables | ||||
13a-8 | Work out probabilities from two-way tables | 422, 423 | |||
Year 10 Half Term 1 | Statistics and Probability | Probability 2 | 13b-1 | Find the probability of an event happening using relative frequency | 356 |
13b-2 | Calculate expected frequency | 355 | |||
13b-3 | Use and draw sample space diagrams | 358, 359 | |||
13b-4 | Use tree diagrams to calculate the probability of two independent events | 360 - 363 | |||
13b-5 | Use tree diagrams to calculate the probability of two dependent events | 364 - 366 | |||
13b-6 | Use set notation, including union and intersection | 370 - 378 | |||
13b-7 | Work out probabilities from Venn diagrams to represent real-life situations | 379, 380 | |||
Geometry and Measure | Properties of shapes | 6a-1 | Know that there are 360° in a full turn, 180° in a half turn and 90° in a quarter turn | 455 | |
6a-2 | Estimate sizes of angles | 457 | |||
6a-3 | Measure angles using a protractor | 458 - 460 | |||
6a-4 | Identify parallel lines | 821 | |||
6a-5 | Recall the properties and definitions of special types of quadrilaterals | 824 - 826 | |||
6a-6 | Use the fact that angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360° | 560 | |||
6a-7 | Recall and use properties of angles at a point, angles on a straight line, right angles, and vertically opposite angles | 477 - 480, 812 - 815 | |||
6a-8 | Distinguish between scalene, equilateral, isosceles and right-angled triangles | 823 | |||
6a-9 | Find missing angles in a triangle using the angle sum in a triangle and the properties of an special triangles | 485 - 487 | |||
6a-10 | Understand and use the angle properties of parallel lines | 481 - 483 | |||
Geometry and Measure | Polygons | 6b-1 | Recognise and name pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons and decagons | 822 | |
6b-2 | Understand ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ as applied to polygons | 822 | |||
6b-3 | Use the sum of angles of polygons | 561 | |||
6b-4 | Calculate and use the sums of the interior angles of polygons | 562 | |||
6b-5 | Use the sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360° | 563 | |||
6b-6 | Use the sum of the interior angle and the exterior angle is 180° | 564, 565 | |||
Year 10 Half Term 2 | Statistics and Probability | Tables | 3a-1 | Sort, classify and tabulate data, both discrete and continuous, quantitative data, and qualitative data | 401 - 403, 392, 393 |
3a-2 | Use correct notation for time, 12- and 24-hour clock | ||||
3a-3 | Work out time taken for a journey from a timetable | ||||
3a-4 | Construct tables for time–series data | 450 | |||
3a-5 | Design and use two-way tables for discrete and grouped data | 422 - 424 | |||
3a-6 | Identify the mode from a frequency table and modal class from a grouped frequency table | 415 | |||
Statistics and Probability | Charts and graphs | Produce and interpret: | |||
3b-1 | • pictograms | 426 | |||
3b-2 | • composite bar charts | 425 | |||
3b-3 | • dual/comparative bar charts for categorical and ungrouped discrete data | 425 | |||
3b-4 | • bar charts and line charts | 425 | |||
3b-5 | • line graphs for time–series data | 450 | |||
3b-6 | • stem and leaf (including back-to-back) | 430 - 432, 434 | |||
Statistics and Probability | Pie Charts | 3c-1 | Measure and draw angles, to the nearest degree | 461 | |
3c-3 | Construct pie charts for categorical data and discrete/continuous numerical data | 427, 428 | |||
3c-4 | Find the mode and the total frequency from a pie chart | 429 | |||
Statistics and Probability | Scatter Graphs | 3d-1 | Understand and identify the types of correlation. Draw and interpret scatter graphs | 453 | |
3d-2 | Distinguish between positive, negative and no correlation using lines of best fit | 453, 454 | |||
3d-3 | Identify outliers and ignore them on scatter graphs | 453 | |||
3d-4 | Draw the line of best fit on a scatter diagram by eye and use the line of best fit to make predictions | 454 | |||
3d-5 | Use a line of best fit to predict values of a variable given values of the other variable | 453, 454 | |||
Year 10 Half Term 3 | Statistics and Probability | Statistics and Sampling | 7a-1 | Recognise types of data: primary, secondary, quantitative and qualitative | 392, 393 |
7a-2 | Identify which primary data they need to collect and in what format, including grouped data | 393 | |||
7a-3 | Understand how sources of data may be biased | 394 | |||
7a-4 | Explain why a sample may not be representative of a whole population | 394 | |||
7a-5 | Understand sample and population | 395 | |||
Statistics and Probability | Averages | 7b-1 | Calculate the mean, mode, median and range for discrete data | 404 - 410 | |
7b-2 | Interpret and find the median, mean, mode and range from a (discrete) frequency table | 414 - 417 | |||
7b-3 | Interpret and find the range, modal class, interval containing the median, and estimate of the mean from a grouped data frequency table | 418 | |||
7b-4 | Interpret and find averages and the range from a bar chart | 425 | |||
7b-5 | Interpret and find the median, mode, mean and range from stem and leaf diagrams | 430 - 433 | |||
7b-6 | Compare the mean, median, mode and range (as appropriate) of two distributions using bar charts, dual bar charts, pictograms and back-to-back stem and leaf | ||||
7b-7 | Recognise the advantages and disadvantages between measures of average | 413 | |||
Geometry and Measure | Transformations - Rotations and Translations | 10a-1 | Identify congruent shapes by eye | 680 | |
10a-2 | Rotate a shape about the origin or any other point on a coordinate grid | 648, 649 | |||
10a-3 | Describe a rotation fully using the angle, direction of turn, and centre | 653, 654 | |||
10a-4 | Translate a given shape by a vector | 637, 638 | |||
10a-5 | Use column vectors to describe translations | 650 | |||
Year 10 Half Term 4 | Geometry and Measure | Transformations - Enlargements and Reflections | 10b-1 | Transform 2D shapes using single reflections | 639 - 641 |
10b-2 | Describe reflections on a coordinate grid | 652 | |||
10b-3 | Enlarge a shape using a positive or fractional scale factor only | ||||
10b-4 | Enlarge a given shape using positive and fractional scale factors and a centre of enlargement | 642, 643 | |||
10b-5 | Describe an enlargement using the scale factor and centre of enlargement | 651 | |||
10b-6 | Combining transformations | 656, 657 | |||
Geometry and Measure | Pythagoras and Trigonometry | 12-1 | Understand, recall and use Pythagoras’ Theorem in 2D to find the hypotenuse or a shorter side in a right angled triangle | 497 - 499 | |
12-2 | Given 3 sides of a triangle, justify if it is right-angled or not | 497 | |||
12-3 | Apply Pythagoras’ Theorem to solve various problems, including area problems | 500 - 504 | |||
12-4 | Apply Pythagoras’ Theorem with a triangle drawn on a coordinate grid including calculating the length of a line segment AB given pairs of points | ||||
12-5 | Understand and recall the trigonometric ratios sine, cosine and tan and the trig values for 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 | 508 | |||
12-6 | Use trigonometry to find missing sides of a right angled triangle | 509, 510 | |||
12-7 | Use trigonometry to find missing angles in a right angled triangle | 511, 512 | |||
12-8 | Use the trigonometric ratios to solve 2D problems | 513, 514 | |||
12-9 | Find angles of elevation and depression | 515 | |||
Year 10 Half Term 5 | Number | Indices and Standard Form | 18-1 | Use index laws to simplify and calculate the value of numerical expressions | 105 - 107 |
18-2 | Use numbers raised to the power zero | 121 | |||
18-3 | Convert large and small numbers into standard form and vice versa | 122 - 124 | |||
18-4 | Add and subtract numbers in standard form | 127 | |||
18-5 | Multiply and divide numbers in standard form | 125, 126 | |||
18-6 | Use a calculator with standard form | 128 | |||
Algebra | Quadratic equations: expanding and factorising | 16a-1 | Define a ‘quadratic’ expression | 222 | |
16a-2 | Expand double brackets including the difference of two squares | 162 - 165 | |||
16a-3 | Factorise quadratic expressions of the form x² + bx + c | 221, 223 | |||
16a-4 | Factorise a quadratic expression x² – a² using the difference of two squares | 224 | |||
16a-5 | Solve quadratic equations by factorising | 230 | |||
16a-6 | Find the roots of a quadratic function | 253 | |||
Algebra | Quadratic equations: Graphs | 16b-1 | Generate points and plot graphs of simple quadratic functions | 251 | |
16b-2 | Identify the line of symmetry of a quadratic graph | 254 | |||
16b-3 | Find approximate solutions to quadratic equations using a graph | 253, 323 | |||
16b-4 | Identify and interpret roots, intercepts and turning points of quadratic graphs | 252 - 255 | |||
Year 10 Half Term 6 | Geometry and Measure | Perimeter, area and volume: circles, cylinders, cones and spheres | 17-1 | Identify, name and draw parts of a circle including tangent, chord and segment | 592 |
17-2 | Find the circumference of a circle, semi-circle and quarter circles, including giving your answers in terms of π | 534 - 538 | |||
17-3 | Find the area of a circle, semi-circle and quarter circles, including giving your answers in terms of π | 539 - 543 | |||
17-7 | Find the volume of a cylinder | 572 - 574 | |||
17-8 | Find the surface area of a cylinder | 586 | |||
Ratio and Proportion | Multiplicative Reasoning | 14-1 | Perform calculations involving speed | 716 - 724 | |
14-2 | Perform calculations involving density | 725 - 731 | |||
14-3 | Calculate percentage profit or loss | 759, 760 | |||
14-4 | Find the original amount given the final amount after a percentage increase or decrease | 96 | |||
14-5 | Solve simple interest problems | 93 | |||
14-6 | Work out the multiplier for repeated proportional change as a single decimal number | 91, 92 | |||
14-7 | Solve problems involving repeated percentage change. Including compound percentage problems | 94, 95 | |||
14-8 | Solve proportion problems involving currency conversions | 707, 708 | |||
14-9 | Solve proportion problems involving rates of pay | 755, 756 | |||
14-10 | Solve proportion problems involving best buys | 763 - 772 | |||
Geometry and Measure | Plans and Elevations | 15a-1 | Draw circles and arcs to a given radius or given the diameter | 659 | |
15a-2 | Measure and draw angles, to the nearest degree | 461 | |||
15a-3 | Draw sketches of 3D solids | 832 | |||
15a-4 | Know the terms face, edge and vertex | 830 | |||
15a-5 | Identify and sketch planes of symmetry of 3D solids | 827 | |||
15a-6 | Understand and draw front and side elevations and plans of shapes made from simple solids | 837 - 840 | |||
15a-7 | Given the front and side elevations and the plan of a solid, draw a sketch of the 3D solid | 841 - 844 | |||
Year 11 | Geometry and Measure | Constructions, loci and bearings | 15b-1 | Construct the perpendicular bisector of a given line | 660 |
15b-2 | Construct the perpendicular from a point to a line | 662, 663 | |||
15b-3 | Construct the bisector of a given angle | 661 | |||
15b-4 | construct angles of 90°, 45° | 664 | |||
15b-5 | Solve problems involving loci | 674 - 678 | |||
15b-6 | Estimate lengths using a scale diagram | 864 - 866 | |||
15b-7 | Make an accurate scale drawing from a diagram | 867, 868 | |||
15b-8 | Use three-figure bearings to specify direction | 492 - 496 | |||
15b-9 | Mark on a diagram the position of point B given its bearing from point A | 869 | |||
Geometry and Measure | Similarity and Congruence in 2D | 19a-1 | Understand congruence and solve angle problems involving congruence | 680, 681 | |
19a-2 | Use the basic congruence criteria for triangles (SSS, SAS, ASA and RHS) | 682 | |||
19a-3 | Understand similarity of triangles and of other plane shapes | 608 | |||
19a-4 | Identify the scale factor of an enlargement of a shape | 609 | |||
19a-5 | Solve problems to find missing lengths in similar shapes | 610 - 614 | |||
Geometry and Measure | Vectors | 19b-1 | Understand and use column notation in relation to vectors | 622 | |
19b-2 | Be able to represent information graphically given column vectors | 623, 624 | |||
19b-3 | Calculate using column vectors, and represent graphically, the sum of two vectors, the difference of two vectors and a scalar multiple of a vector | 625 - 628 | |||
Algebra | Rearranging equations, graphs of cubic functions and simulataneous eqautions | 20-1 | Know the difference between an equation and an identity and use and understand the ≠ symbol | 154 | |
20-2 | Change the subject of a formula including the use of square roots and squares | 280 - 286 | |||
20-3 | Simple algebraic proofs | 325, 326 | |||
20-4 | Find the equation of the line through two given points | 213 | |||
20-5 | Recognise, sketch and interpret graphs of simple cubic functions | 298, 299 | |||
20-6 | Recognise, sketch and interpret graphs of the reciprocal function | 300, 301 | |||
20-7 | Solve simultaneous equations algebraically including in context | 191 - 195 | |||
20-8 | Solve simultaneous equations graphically | 218, 219 |