6th February, 2024

MMR Vaccine and Update

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust has a dedicated School Aged Immunisation Team made up of highly skilled staff who are experienced in offering vaccinations to all high school aged children in Bolton.

The team are focusing their attention on the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination.

The Bolton NHS Foundation Trust want to spread the word about the vaccination and boost uptake across communities.

If you are unsure if you child/ren has had none, 1 or 2 doses of the MMR vaccine, you can check your child’s red book or contact your GP Practice.

If your child is in Years 8 and 10, the Immunisation Team will be offering the MMR vaccine to any young person who is outstanding, alongside their routine vaccinations. A MMR consent form will be sent home, if your child is identified as being incomplete with 1 or 2 of the MMR vaccines.

For outstanding Year 11 students, a letter will be sent out, and offered to any students to have the vaccine before leaving school in the summer.

If you child/ren are in Year 7 or 9, we are kindly asking parents/carers to contact their GP Practice for the moment.

Please see the below document for full information from the Bolton NHS Foundation Trust team. 

For more information about conditions and vaccines visit: www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/

If you have any questions, please contact the immunisation team who can offer advice or assistance.

EMAIL: Bolton5-19immsteam@boltonft.nhs.uk

CALL: 01204 463170

MMR Newsletter
