The music department would like to thank and praise all students that have accessed and attempted their online remote learning. It is fantastic to see all the attempts at lessons and quizzes on focus on sound. Special praise goes to the following students for gaining 100% in any one of the quizzes.
Joshua Poynton
Ryan Cain
Daniel Lord
Finley Schofield
Ethan Gagen
Tom Dawson
Paige Brierly
Eshaan Yaser
Lucy Willet
Brooklyn Knox
Tom Dawson
Extra special mention to Joshua Poynton and Ryan Cain in year 7 for getting 100% on all tests set for the week an amazing achievement. Well Done!
For any student unable to gain access please use this URL –
A PDF of links can be found on the school , alternatively the lessons to study will be set on the my school page of the app for after the Easter holiday. Further instructions can be found on Google Classroom.