From the week commencing 6th March 2023, the school day for all Year 11 students will be extended until 3.30pm, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays every week.
We want to ensure every single Year 11 student has the best chance of success in their forthcoming GCSE exams. We want to ensure that there is no legacy disadvantage from the COVID pandemic. We want our students to have an equal chance of success against those areas of the country where the pandemic may not have been as prevalent so they can get to the college and university they want to go to as well as securing the apprenticeship or job they would like to do.
Within the extended time from 2.45pm to 3.30pm, students will attend Session 4, which will be timetabled lessons in a subject they study where they need additional time and support.
This will run all the way through to the end of the summer GCSE exams.
The new school day timetables will work in the same way as the current timetable, where there is a Week 1 and Week 2 session structure.
Session 4s will operate in the following way.
- On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays students will attend their allocated subject Session 4 lesson. On Thursdays all students attend a Science Session 4, every week.
- Some students may be allocated to attend one subject (e.g. Maths) for six Session 4s across Week 1 and Week 2.
- Some students may be allocated to attend one subject (e.g. English) for three Session 4s on a Week 1 and a different subject (e.g. History) for three Session 4s on a Week 2.
We are currently putting together new timetables for all students based on their current performance in their subjects. These will appear on your SIMS Parent App the week after the February half term.