11th November, 2021

Observing Remembrance Day

To mark Remembrance Day, the whole school observed a minute’s silence in their lessons this morning. In addition, Owen Taylor and Oliver Smith, who are members of 1 Minden Company of Radcliffe Army Cadets, wore their cadet uniforms and stood in salute at the front of school during the minute’s silence.

Year 9 student, Caelan Axon has also written this beautiful piece of work, completely out of his love of writing which was shared around school today;

The Battlefield by Caelan Axon

The world around them crumbled into unsensual chaos, the pure white landscape imprisoning the frostbitten green that lay beneath, slowly receding from view…

Mercilessly upturned, a victim of the wondering warriors, frantically fighting above. Onslaughts of glacial snowflakes fell graciously from above, so delicate and fragile, wildly incomparable to the murderous rage of humanity below.

Men battling for the polar opposite, yet the exact same, captivated by patriotism.

And as the figures emerald eyes narrowed, his shivering finger slowly shifting to the stainless steel trigger of his mind, a million thoughts raced through his head.

No regrets.

Only remorse.

Finally, students were also shown a Remembrance assembly in their forms this morning and were played a moving rendition of The Last Post played by our own, Mr Poole. This can be viewed in the video below.