There are a further two strike days taking place this week and next week.
- Thursday 27th April
- Tuesday 2nd May
As before in the previous strike days, please see below the plans we have in place.
Things parents and carers need to be aware of
Under the principles of strike action in agreement with Trade Unions the following parameters apply:
- We cannot ask staff if they wish to strike or not
- We cannot ask staff who are part of other Trade Unions to cover lessons or set additional work (both face to face or remotely) for those staff who are striking
What does this mean?
It means we will not know which teachers will be striking until the morning of the strike and it also means we cannot ask staff to cover lessons for those staff who are striking nor plan additional sessions both in school or remotely for our students. Therefore we will presume all staff eligible to strike will strike. The safety of students is paramount and therefore we have planned the day to ensure we can safely operate our systems and processes in school to ensure our safeguarding procedures are fully met.
We respect the fact that Trade Union members have decided to take strike action but we will also do our best, in the circumstances, to ensure we continue to provide high quality learning experiences for our students.