9th March, 2023

Strike Action Plans for Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th March 2023

The third and final days of four strike days will take place next week. 

The two remaining strike days are:

  • Wednesday 15th March
  • Thursday 16th March

As before in the previous two strike days, please see below the plans we have in place.

Things parents and carers need to be aware of

Under the principles of strike action in agreement with Trade Unions the following parameters apply:

  • We cannot ask staff if they wish to strike or not
  • We cannot ask staff who are part of other Trade Unions to cover lessons or set additional work (both face to face or remotely) for those staff who are striking

What does this mean?

It means we will not know which teachers will be striking until the morning of the strike and it also means we cannot ask staff to cover lessons for those staff who are striking nor plan additional sessions both in school or remotely for our students.   Therefore we will presume all staff eligible to strike will strike.  The safety of students is paramount and therefore we have planned the day to ensure we can safely operate our systems and processes in school to ensure our safeguarding procedures are fully met.

We respect the fact that Trade Union members have decided to take strike action but we will also do our best, in the circumstances, to ensure we continue to provide high quality learning experiences for our students.

  • What is the plan for the strike day?
    • The school will remain open to Year 11 students only
    • Teachers of Y11 who are not striking will take their timetabled Y11 class as normal
    • Y7-10 students will work remotely at home


  • Adjusted times of the day

    The times of the day will be adjusted for Year 11 students in the school building.  Students working from home will also follow the times of the day below to give structure and routine to the day.  There is a later start time and an earlier finish with an extended break and lunch:

    Time Year 11 IN SCHOOL Year 7-10 AT HOME
    9.30am Arrive at school and line up on the back yard Log on at home
    9.30am – 10.45am Session 1 or Maths in the Sports Hall (SH) and Conference Room (CR) Complete any outstanding Retrieval Practice.  If complete access Intervention Google Classroom and follow your timetable for the day
    10.45am – 11.15am BREAK BREAK
    11.15am – 12.30pm Session 2 or English in the SH and CR Follow your timetabled lesson on the Intervention Google Classroom
    12.30pm – 1.15pm LUNCH LUNCH
    1.15pm – 2.30pm Session 3 or Science in SH and CR Follow your timetabled lesson on the Intervention Google Classroom
  • Plan for how the school will operate for Year 11

    9.30am: Y11 students arrive and line up on back yard in session 1 classes.

    Teachers in school take their Y11 class to session 1

    Remaining students will go to the Sports Hall or Conference room split by classes.  Students in the SH and CR will complete Sparx Maths on google chrome books.

    9.30am – 10.45am: Session 1 – Maths (Sparx)

    10.45 – 11.15am: BREAK – Tea, coffee and cakes for Year 11

    11.15am:  Line up in classes for session 2 on the back yard

    Teachers in school take classes to session 2

    Remaining students go to sports hall or conference room which will be split evenly by classes. Students complete English Beast in conference room or sports hall.

    11.15am – 12.30pm: Session 2 – English (The Beast)

    12.30 – 1.15pm: EXTRA SPECIAL LUNCH for Y11

    1.15pm: Line up in classes for session 3

    Teachers in school take classes to session 3

    Remaining students go to sports hall and conference room which will be split evenly by class.  Students complete Seneca Science

    1.15pm – 2.30pm: Session 3 – Science (Seneca)

    2.30pm: Students depart

    Teachers in school who do not have a timetabled session with Year 11 will be able to voluntarily take Y11 students from the Sports Hall or Conference Room to run an intervention session in their subject area with them in preparation for their forthcoming mock exams.

  • Plan for Year 7 – 10 students

    1.Retrieval Practice: Students need to log into class charts and complete any outstanding retrieval practice activities they have.

    Class Charts


    2. Follow your timetabled lesson for Wednesday Week 1 via the Intervention Google classroom.

    Join code: v2k7eqs

    Please watch the video clip below for guidance on how to access this work

    Please click the link below to access or join the Intervention Google Classroom



    3. Reading Routes: If students have completed all their work for the day before 2.30pm we would advise students spend some time reading their reading routes books in preparation for their reading routes sessions when they return to school.