The Catering team has been sent a number of photos by students who are utilising their catering knowledge at home in the creation of some delicious dishes.
Firstly, Lily Philips created this wonderful Easter theme cake. Fantastic work, Lily!
Cameron Purdie has baked his own version of an Easter cake at home. Wonderful skills on display, Cameron!
Khia Houghton produced this yummy chocolate cake inspired by Mr Atkin’s practical lesson. Super effort, Khia.
Jenna Kennedy sent in these photos of her savoury mince dish which she made with her family after watching Ms Ward’s YouTube video practical lesson. Brilliant work Jenna.
Finally, Ms Ward has sent in a photo of her minestrone soup dish which has been made using left over vegetables based on Jamie Oliver’s Stay At Home recipes. Click on the link to view Jamie’s recipe and try it yourself: Jamie Oliver video
We are very impressed with all your culinary efforts. Keep the photos coming in!