7th June, 2024

Year 11 Exam Arrangements for 10th – 19th June

For the last week of GCSE exams, amendments have been made to Year 11 (only) timetables. The changes have been made to support students winding down from their exams whilst still receiving support during school hours. 

ALL WEEK  – Monday 10th – Friday 14th June – Year 11 students only will finish at 2:35pm everyday, in recognition for all the extra hours and hard work you have put in over the last few weeks! And what a fantastic effort it’s been!

All revisions and interventions will run during the core school timetabled hours (08:30 – 14:35)

Timetable changes are as follows:

Monday 10th June

  • P1 – Maths Exam
  • P2 – Spanish pre-exam class (for Spanish students) / All other students will be in Science pre-exam classes
  • P3 – Spanish exam / All other students will be in Science pre-exam classes

Tuesday 11th June

  • P1 – Chemistry Exam
  • P2 – All students will be in Science pre-exam classes
  • P3 – Students are required to attend Geography, Science, Music, DT or Hospitality & Catering classes.

Wednesday 12th June

  • P1 – Music or Geography pre-exam class/ all other students will be in Science pre-exam classes
  • P2 – Geography pre-exam class / All other students will be in Science pre-exam classes
  • P3 – All students will be in Science pre-exam classes

Thursday 13th June

  • P1 – Geography pre-exam class / All other students will be in Science pre-exam classes
  • P2 – All students will be in Science pre-exam classes
  • P3 – Science and Geography pre-exam classes

Friday 14th June

  • P1 – Geography Exam / All other students will in Science pre-exam classes
  • P2 – All students will be in Science pre-exam classes
  • P3 – Science / Physics Exam
  • After school – 2:35pm – YEAR 11 LEAVING CELEBRATIONS! Students will be able to sign shirts, collect leavers hoodies, collect leavers goodie bads and say their goodbyes to staff and friends! 

For students who still have exams on the final couple of days the following week, you must still attend pre-exam classes and your exams.

Monday 17th June

  • P1 – Design Technology pre-exam class / Russian writing exam
  • P2 – Design Technology pre-exam class/ Music pre-exam class
  • P3 – Music listening paper / Design Technology pre-exam class

Tuesday 18th June

  • P1 – Design Technology exam

Wednesday 19th June

  • P2 – Hospitality and Catering pre-exam class
  • P3 – Hospitality and Catering pre-exam class

Thursday 20th June

  • P1 – Hospitality and Catering exam