3rd February, 2021

Year 11 Parents’ Feedback Week

We will be providing a live, online Year 11 Parents’ Feedback Week, starting on Monday 8th February through to Thursday 11th February!

Please watch the video below about how to make appointments and what will be shared in the meetings.

In addition, we have also put together a page about the current situation with Centre Assessed Grades (CAGs) and what the DfE are currently proposing for awarding those grades in GCSE and vocational qualifications in the absence of the cancelled summer exams.

DfE Proposals for awarding GCSE, BTEC and Vocational Qualifications this summer – Little Lever School (little-lever.bolton.sch.uk)

If the embedded video below is not working for you, please access the video via this direct YouTube link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86hDNtSCZSk