Subject teams have begun their compulsory Period 7 sessions this week, to support Year 11 students in the lead up to their first set of mock exams and beyond. They operate on a two week rotation – Week 1 option subjects; Week 2 core subjects. They run from 3.05pm to 4pm.
If your child has been identified to attend a ‘Period 7’ their subject teacher will have informed them and the lesson will have been added to their timetable, which parents/carers can view on the SIMS Parent App.
Any student who is self-isolating will be able to access the session via Google Classroom as a live lesson or set content on there. This will be found in their subject Google class or a special Period 7 classroom.
The ‘Period 7s’ will be run using the same COVID safety protocols as normal lessons with set seating plans and hygeine measures in place.