19th July, 2024

Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 Academic Reports

Your child’s Summer Academic Report has now been published. They can be viewed in three different places:

  1. Here in your Parent Portal in the ‘My Documents’ section.
  2. Via the email address you have provided the school with.
  3. The SIMS Parent App.

The report provides you with the following information:

  • For Years 7, 8 and 9, your child’s Learning Progress score
  • For Year 10, your child’s Predicted Grades which is formed (in part) by their recent summer Mock Exams and in-class assessments,
  • Also for Year 10, your child’s Target grades for each subject your child studies,
  • For all years, your child’s ‘Work Hard’ scores for each subject your child studies,
  • Your child’s attendance record for this year.