What’s the current situation?
The school will open to Year 7 students on Wednesday 9th September.
We will be following the Return to school plan which is published on our website:
- A special ‘Return to school page’ has been set up on the school’s website to provide more information to parents and carers. (click the link above to view this). This now has updated information on face coverings, teaching PE, Music, Drama and Technology, school transport and classroom expectations.
- A video clip and ‘Induction section’ is included on the Return to school page which shows the start date for each year group and the time they need to arrive in school.
- Please click the link below for a detailed break down of what remote learning will look like for each Year group through the induction period. On here you will also find video guidance of how to interpret your child’s new 2-week timetable. https://www.little-lever.bolton.sch.uk/home/remote-learning-strategy/
- We have published your child’s new 2-week timetable on the Parent Portal for parents and carers to access. https://parentportal.little-lever.bolton.sch.uk/login/ You will need your username and login details to access this. These have already been sent out to all parents and carers. If you don’t have your username or password please contact us on 01204 333300 or email us at info@little-lever.bolton.sch.uk and we will be happy to help.
- We would like to thank all those parents and carers who sent their questions and concerns to us. It has really helped shape the Return to School plan and we have created an updated FAQ section on the Return to school page which hopefully addresses many of these questions/concerns.
- We will be adding video guidance to demonstrate the arrival and departure procedures for students
- We will keep parents informed with any changes to government guidance and will adjust the return to school plans accordingly if we need to.