Please note the following information about our Results Day on Thursday 12th August 2021.
Results will be available for collection from 10am until 12pm from the Sports Hall, with entry from Leisure Centre doors (opposite Bowness School). After 12pm, results can be collected from the main school office.
There will be a ‘one-way’ system in place once entering via the Leisure Centre doors, and we ask students to exit via the front fire exit door of the Sports Hall near the kitchens.
Parents, carers and family will be asked to wait outside to reduce the amount of people in the Sports Hall.
Results will be stored alphabetically based on surnames across a number of tables in the Sports Hall. Students will be issued with their GCSE results on a report generated by the school. These can be used as evidence for college and post-16 course admissions.
Legally, only the candidate can collect these results. If a candidate is unable to collect them in person, then they can nominate someone else to collect these results on their behalf. That person will need to attend with written confirmation from the candidate and a form of ID (driving license, passport, etc.)
This year, due to GCSE results being derived from Teacher Assessed Grades or TAGs, we want to assure you that your child’s teachers have taken every care to award what they consider to be a fair and honest grade for each of your child’s GCSE subjects. To do this they have assessed all the evidence submitted by your child; considered all their circumstances during the process; followed all JCQ regulations and guideline for the awarding of GCSE grades for 2021. School has also followed rigorous moderation and standardisation checks to ensure the accuracy of all grades issued.
On receipt of their GCSE results on the day, students do have the right to appeal against a grade(s) if they do not consider they have been issued with the correct grade due to an administrative error, but must understand that the grade could go down, up or stay the same.
If your child does wish to appeal, then the first part of the process is to complete a Centre Review form which can be collected from school on Results Day from either Mr Beal or Mr Cordwell or downloaded from our website page below. This must be filled in and returned to school as soon as possible. Further information about the Appeals Process and how GCSE grades were awarded this year can be found on our website page; Year 11 Steps to Success
GCSE Certificates
GCSE certificates usually arrive in school late October. They will be available for collection from the main school reception. Certificates can only be collected under the same arrangements as GCSE results.