21st June, 2020

Coronavirus: Latest Update

What’s the current situation? 

The school remains closed.

We are open to children of Critical (Key) Workers and vulnerable children from 1st June.

School will be open from 8.30am until 3.05pm for vulnerable children and childen of ‘Critical Workers’,

Please view the updated guidance for Critical Workers here…

gov.uk – maintaining educational provision/guidance for schools


Remote Learning has now started again. Please ensure your child logs in and completes the work that has been set for them this week. Click the link below for further guidance on our Remote Learning Strategy.

Our Remote Learning Strategy


The school will open to Year 10 students on Monday 22nd June. This is a change to the original start date following Boris Johnson’s decision (on Sunday 24th May) to delay the return to school for Year 10 students.

Return to School page

A special ‘Return to school page’ has been set up on the school’s website to provide more information to parents and carers of Year 10 students.

We would like to thank all those parents and carers who sent their questions and concerns to us. It has really helped shape the Return to School plan and we have created an FAQ section on the Return to school page which hopefully addresses many of these questions/concerns.

The video shows how Year 10 students will arrive to school in the morning and the procedures we will be following.

Coronavirus Symptoms

The symptoms of Coronavirus have been updated:  The most important symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of any of the following:

  • a new continuous cough
  • a high temperature
  • a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

If you have any of the symptoms above you should self-isolate at home. The individual with symptoms must self isolate for a period of 7 days. The household must self isolate for 14 days.



If you’re in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland and have any of the symptoms of coronavirus, you can ask for a test through the NHS website.

If you’re an essential worker in England, Scotland or Northern Ireland, you can apply for priority testing through GOV.UK by following the guidance for essential workers.You can also get tested through this route if you have symptoms of coronavirus and live with an essential worker.

See the list of essential workers by clicking this link.

These tests for essential workers are prioritised over the tests available for the wider public through the NHS.

In England, you can get tested if you’re a social care worker or resident in a care home whether you have symptoms or not. See the guidance below on testing for care home residents and workers.

For more details on Testing please visit the website below:

coronavirus – getting tested

Supporting families in receipt of Free School Meals

  • We will be supporting all those families in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM). All families who receive FSM have been contacted and in line with government guidance these families will receive e-vouchers via a text for Supermarkets to support them through this difficult time.  If you have received a text regarding this and have not yet responded can you do so ASAP. If you receive free school meals and have not updated your contact details or do not have the means to receive text messages and e-vouchers please contact the school ASAP and we will arrange alternatives for you!

Welcome back to the final half term of the year.  We hope you enjoyed a well-deserved break over the half term period!

Our Remote Learning strategy is now back up and running and we are looking forward to seeing the brilliant work that students are producing. Seeing the praise list, praise wall and talking to parents and carers to see how everyone is doing is the highlight of our week.  We miss you dearly.  We hope you had the opportunity to see how much we miss you via our video which we posted to all our students and their families. You can watch it below.

We are very much looking forward to seeing our Year 10 students tomorrow!  I understand parents and carers may feel apprehensive about a potential return and we have dedicated a webpage to support parents and carers with this including an FAQ section.  I wanted to thank all those parents and carers that engaged with this, it has really helped shape the Return to school plan.  The safety of students and staff is of paramount importance in creating this plan and we hope we have been able to address the vast majority of your concerns in the Return to school plan.  Our original start date of Monday 8th June has now been set back to Monday 22nd June following Boris Johnson’s announcement on Sunday 24th May and we have had to make some changes to the plan following further guidance which was issued by the government over half term.  The guidance now states that only a quarter of Y10 students are allowed on site at any one time which means we will have to make adjustments to the original timetable we issued.  We are working on this at the moment and we will communicate the adjustments with you ASAP.

Having worked in ‘lockdown’ for a considerable amount of time it can become difficult to see what the future may look like.  Despite an uncertain future I would urge you all to have faith in our community and know that as a school we are here to help you as much as we possibly can.  Keep going, believe in yourselves and know that you are not alone!  The Little Lever community has come together to provide support and guidance to each other in a time of extreme difficulty and we will continue to play our part in supporting the families we serve!

Thank you for your continued support.

Please take care!

Mr Mckeon