23rd May, 2024

Year 10 Summer Term Examinations and Assessments

All Year 10 students will be sitting for a range of examinations starting on Wednesday 19th June to Monday 1st July 2024.

We will be running these exams under the same rules, expectations and conditions as our Year 11 mock exams and their final GCSE summer exams. Our official invigilation team will be leading the delivery of these exams in our main exam rooms, and will be following JCQ’s (Joint Council for Qualifications) guidance and rules.

The exams themselves will be in the following subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Combined Science, and where applicable, Separate Science, History, Geography, French and Spanish.

Other Option subjects will be conducting their own in-class assessments during this time.

Below is a calendar of when these exams take place.

The results of the exams will be used, in part, to allocate which English, Maths and Science forms students will be timetabled in Year 11 and which additional English, Maths and Science Boost classes they will have starting in September.

Year 10 Examination Calendar

Wed 19 Jun: 1pm Maths / Paper 1 Non-Calculator / 1h 30m

Fri 21 Jun: 9.10am Spanish Op A & C / Reading F / 45m or Spanish Op A & C / Reading H / 1h or French Op A & C / Reading F / 45m or French Op A & C / Reading H / 1h

Fri 21 Jun: 1pm English Literature / Paper 1 / 1h 35m

Mon 24 Jun: 9am Maths / Paper 2 / 1h 30m

Mon 24 Jun: 11am Drama / 1h

Mon 24 Jun: 1pm Combined Science / Biology / 1h 15m or Separate Science / Biology / 1h 45m

Tue 25 Jun: 9am Geography / 1h 30m

Tue 25 Jun: 1pm History / 1h 45m

Wed 26 Jun: 8.45am 1h 15m Separate Science / Biology / 1h 45m or 9am Combined Science / Biology / 1h 15m

Thu 27 Jun: 9am Maths / Paper 3 / 1h 30m

Fri 28 Jun:

9.10am Spanish Op A & C / Writing F / 1h 5m or Spanish Op A & C / Writing H / 1h 20m

9.10am French Op A & C / Writing F / 1h 5m or French Op A & C / Writing H / 1h 20m

9.10am Music / 1h 10m

Mon 1 Jul: 8.45am English Language / Paper 2 / 1h 45m

Mon 1 Jul: 1pm Combined Science / Physics / 1h 15m or Separate Science / Physics / 1h 45m

Students will be provided with a Revision Planner (which you can download below) to map out which subjects, and most importantly, which topics in those subjects they find the most difficult, to study at home.  They must complete these over the May half term break.

We expect all students to set aside two 45-minute revision sessions each day leading up to, and during this period.

There are a range of strategies which students can use to revise effectively. This approved and recommended video illustrates 6 highly effective strategies which the most successful learners use when studying at home.

How to make revision flashcards

Revision Planner and Examinations Rules

Year 10 Revision Planner


JCQ Exam Rules
